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CINGULAR Ripoff Reports, Complaints, Reviews, Scams, Lawsuits and Frauds Reported

Your Search: cingular

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For more specific results for "cingular"

Showing 1-25 of 1,506 Found Reports For more specific results for "cingular"

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1, Report #1509234
Jun 20 2021
09:56 PM
6, Report #1255930
Sep 19 2015
09:20 PM
7, Report #1250218
Aug 22 2015
12:17 PM
Author: Corpus Christi, Texas
8, Report #1225573
Apr 28 2015
07:09 PM
Author: Hatboro, Pennsylvania
9, Report #1211598
Feb 25 2015
11:48 AM
10, Report #1190426
Nov 21 2014
05:54 AM
Author: Townsend, Delaware
11, Report #1188939
Nov 19 2014
04:32 PM
12, Report #476133
Jul 31 2014
10:22 PM
13, Report #1146014
May 24 2014
01:41 PM
14, Report #1140961
Apr 22 2014
10:52 PM
15, Report #1100364
Nov 18 2013
02:52 PM
Author: Weslaco, Texas
17, Report #1071904
Jul 31 2013
07:36 PM
Author: North Hollywood, California
18, Report #1057557
Jun 08 2013
03:35 PM
Author: bakersfield, California
19, Report #1001693
Jan 23 2013
05:18 AM
20, Report #960474
Oct 26 2012
11:15 AM
21, Report #941873
Sep 16 2012
06:11 AM
22, Report #550308
Jul 20 2012
11:46 AM
Rebuttal Photo
23, Report #211279
Jul 17 2012
11:44 AM
24, Report #136316
Jul 16 2012
09:44 PM
25, Report #139497
Jul 16 2012
09:30 PM
Updated Rebuttal
Author: el monte, California

Approximately 1,506 Reports Found

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