Complaint Review: Charlie's Talent Agency - Ferndale Michigan
- Charlie's Talent Agency 22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite 109 Ferndale, Michigan United States of America
- Phone: (586) 362-3561
- Web:
- Category: Modeling & Talent Agencies
Charlie's Talent Agency Curt Howe, Left Agency Under Threat and Harassment Ferndale, Michigan
*Author of original report: Good Luck in Your Future Endeavors
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Winning
*Author of original report: I Win
*Author of original report: To Dave Kilgore
*Consumer Comment: Charlie's Talent Agency-Top Notch
*Author of original report: More Crap....This time from one of their clients
*Author of original report: UNSOLICITED EMAIL
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Keep posting, it is only making things worse for yourself
*Author of original report: CTA Rocks So Much They Spread Lies
*Consumer Comment: CTA Rocks
*General Comment: charlies talent agency
*Consumer Comment: HAPPY CTA TALENT
*UPDATE Employee: CTA is a Great Agency
*Author of original report: To April
*General Comment: a satisfied client of CTA
*General Comment: Charlie's Talent Agency
*Author of original report: Christina Does Not Exist
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Email sent to us from PJ Edwards
*Consumer Comment: Curt Howe is Fair, Hard Working and a Solid Agent!
*Author of original report: Rebutt does not mean make things up
*General Comment: CTA is very Professional
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Representation
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Representation
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: BBB
*Author of original report: Communication With Charlie's Talent Agency
*Author of original report: BBB Update
*Author of original report: REMINDER
*Author of original report: Claims
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: PJ Edwards still posting false information
*Author of original report: Disturbing Comment by Charlie's Talent Agency
*Author of original report: BBB Update
*Author of original report: What Charlie's Talent Agency Doesn't Want You To See
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Supporting documents from BBB and Attorney General regarding PJ Edwards
*Author of original report: Defamation and Libel from Charlie's Talent Agency
*Author of original report: Curt Howe - Backstage
*Author of original report: BBB Update
*Author of original report: One Fake Email Address Fades Away
*Author of original report: What Would WME Do?
*Author of original report: BBB Update
*Author of original report: Youtube vs. Charlie's Talent Agency
*Author of original report: Charlie's Talent Agency - Guilty of Perjury
*Author of original report: Charlie's Talent Agency Has Been Served
*Author of original report: GREAT JOB CURT HOWE!
*Author of original report: Additional Harassment evidence
*Author of original report: My Complaints - Listed by Evidence and Type
*Author of original report: This is not a soapbox
*Author of original report: I'm not the only one
*Author of original report: To Curt
*Author of original report: To "Supporting Parent"
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Thank you!
*UPDATE Employee: Supporting Parent
*Author of original report: My Parents
*Author of original report: Striking Similarities
*Author of original report: To Jordan
*UPDATE Employee: An open argument...
*Author of original report: Random
*Consumer Comment: Curt Howe is Fair, Hard Working and a Solid Agent!
*Author of original report: Funny Story
*Consumer Comment: Speaking TRUTHFULLY - Charlie's is a wonderful agency!!!
*Author of original report: COMPANYmeter - Clarification
*Author of original report: Charlie's Talent Agency -Extras - iMDb
*Author of original report: I Can't Get Any Rest
*Author of original report: BBB Update
*Author of original report: The Michigan AG
*Author of original report: Curt Howe and Chad Oliver
*Author of original report: LIES and 5/21/10 UPDATE
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Chad Oliver-
*Author of original report: You Don't Have Any Idea What You're Talking About
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: You CHOSE not to be contacted by complaints
*Author of original report: Caught REDHANDED Using FAKE Names to Harass Me
*Author of original report: Clearly, There Are Issues
*Author of original report: The Owner Continues to Break the Rules of the Website
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: SPAM?
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Rebuttal Again
*Consumer Comment: Email
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Stagemom
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: False/Libel Information from PJ Edwards
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Owner having "fake" emails
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: The Wannabes
*Author of original report: Update as of 5/14/10
*Author of original report: Now They Are Amateur Hackers
*Author of original report: Info and Updates 5/9/10
*Author of original report: Owner Has A History of Using Fake Profiles Online
*Author of original report: I'm Not Taking Others Down
*Consumer Comment: Charlies talent agency and Curt Howe do a great job
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Nore more need to respond
*Author of original report: Last Rebuttal Breaks Rules of the Website
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: And Again PJ's IMDB of Extra Work
*Author of original report: UPDATE #1
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: PJ Edwards - Former Client
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After getting no auditions for over 5 months, I decided to do the professional thing and tell the agency I was going to leave. In that stead, they decided to go crazy and threaten me over pictures the agent took of me. Luckily, I did not pay for them. However, they tried to claim copyright issues. They tried to claim slander, even though no words were spoken.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 05/01/2010 01:29 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#92 Author of original report
Good Luck in Your Future Endeavors
AUTHOR: thatpj - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 04, 2015
- No member of SAG-AFTRA may hereafter engage, use, or deal through this agency

#91 REBUTTAL Owner of company
AUTHOR: Charlie's Talent Management - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 04, 2015
Unbeknownst to PJ Endwards and his post above, in 2014 Charlie's Talent Agency voluntarily surrendered our SAG/AFTRA franchise to become Management. Our clients and business relations were made aware before the change. This change allows us to be more involved leveraging our relations we've developed over the past 15 plus years. Since the change we have grown a more successful entertainment company than it already was, successfully raised millions of dollars working with gaming and consumer brands and expanded our services to music, publishing, brand integrations, etc. As we support SAG/AFTRA, unfortunately being franchised would not support/allow us to conduct the type of business we are doing today.
We want to thank all of our clients, personal & business relations for working with us..!!
Chad Oliver
Charlie's Talent Management

#90 Author of original report
I Win
AUTHOR: pj - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 21, 2014
To: All SAG-AFTRA Members who are currently represented by, or have previously been affiliated with Charlie’s Talent Agency
Date: Sept. 10, 2014
Please note that SAG-AFTRA has been advised that Charlie’s Talent Agency has effective September 4, 2014, ceased operating as a franchise agency, under both legacy SAG’s jurisdiction and legacy AFTRA’s jurisdiction.
The effect of the surrender is as follows:
- No member of SAG-AFTRA may hereafter engage, use, or deal through this agency.
- All contracts in force between this agency and the members of SAG-AFTRA are ipso facto and without further notice terminated except that the agency may retain and collect any commissions earned under said contracts prior to the surrender of franchise.
- Members shall not be under any obligation to pay commissions to the agent on any moneys earned by members after the termination of the agency contracts, even though such moneys are earned by members on employment contracts in existence at the date of termination of the agency contracts.
Please do not hesitate to contact SAG-AFTRA Chicago Local or the SAG-AFTRA Professional Representatives Department if you have any outstanding questions.
Thank you.

#89 Author of original report
To Dave Kilgore
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, March 14, 2011
Thank you for your extraneous post. It has nothing to do with any of he e-mail that have Curt Howe's and Chad Oliver's letterhead and signature attached. If you can answer for the abundance unsolicited harassing posts, comments, emails, etc that include: threats and defamation then please feel free to post, otherwise you just wasting everyone's time.

#88 Consumer Comment
Charlie's Talent Agency-Top Notch
AUTHOR: davekilgore - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 27, 2011
I am an actor. I have been signed with Charlie's Talent Agency for over two years. Curt and Chad at Charlie's have been helpful, courteous, fun, informative and professional. When a part comes along for a role that I fit, I get called for an audition. When there isn't a part for me, of course, no audition. It's pretty simple. CTA, Charlie's Talent Agency, doesn't control what parts are available when. But they DO get their talent in for auditions when the projects are there.
I have never had any problem with anyone at CTA, and based on everything I've seen from them and all the positive comments I've heard from all my actor friends about Charlie's, I plan on sticking with Charlie's Talent Agency for as long as they'll have me.
Thank you so much to Curt and Chad for your professionalism and persistance in your work, and everything you've done to help further my career.
Dave Kilgore

#87 Author of original report
More Crap....This time from one of their clients
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 30, 2010
I actually wrote 2 comments on this blog, but they were subsequently DELETED. I guess the truth is too much for some. But just in case she gets second thoughts and decides to delete the blog, I have decided to immortalize it on the Internet FOREVER.
I wanted to post something regarding Curt Howe andCharlies Talent
Agency(CTA). As with every industry, you sometimes make a few
enemies, even when you havent done anything wrong. I have known Curt for
several years, and he represents me in the Midwest for SAG/AFTRA projects.
He signed me when all I had on my resume were a local theatre production
and high school plays. He gave me a chance, and got me in to all the
local casting agencies, includingPound Mooney,Detroit Casting
Company, andCarrie
Ray Casting, just to name a few in Michigan. Its because of him that
I had the opportunity to be inRed Dawnand
Salvation Boulevardas
a supporting cast member. He believed in me and pushed and fought
for me, and hes gotten me into so many auditions, even in the last couple of
months. He submits me for roles he believes I can play, and even when I dont
fit the breakdown, the casting agents sometimes see me for them. As any
professional actor knows, there may be a hundred nos before you get a yes.
Its part of the job. Sometimes you dont fit the look. You
could be an amazing actor but your talent agent and casting agent dont make the
final decisions on casting. The sooner we all stop having delusions of
grandeur and expecting to become stars overnight, the better for our local
budding industry. If we cant all work together and make Michigan look
GOOD and PROFESSIONAL, how many productions will want to give us a chance and
use local casting? Because pushing someone else down to drown so that you
can get ahead doesnt work. Be thankful for every audition you get, and
keep working on your craft, and one day you WILL get a yes. But do NOT
blame your not getting parts on your talent agent after he/she has worked to
land you an audition in the first place. The blame game and the hatred
and the lies a certain individual has been propagating across the internet does
our local industry no good. We should be helping one another, because
success can be contagious. We need to show that we are just as
professional and just as qualified and talented as actors from Chicago, New
York, and Los Angeles. I dont need to name names, but be warned, you are
only succeeding in painting yourself out of the picture and blacklisting your
own name. In this industry, you never want to burn bridges nor bite the
hand that feeds you.
My name is Cindy C and I am a SAG actor. I am proudly represented by Curt Howe of Charlies Talent Agency aka CTA.

#86 Author of original report
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 10, 2010
Charlie's Talent Agency
22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite #109
Ferndale, MI 48230
(586) 362-3561
Fax (248) 850-2252

#85 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Keep posting, it is only making things worse for yourself
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 08, 2010
You need to post facts to back up your false statements please on your accusations of US "messing" with your industry websites. If you are referring to why the other agencies dropped you, they are the ones who remove your representation based on what they see "HERE" and when they search our company name. We would immediately REMOVE any talent speaking poorly against another SAG agency here. Again, do you think another agency will rep you and give you a couple of auditions, you don't book them, then you go on a rampage about them?
Yes, we will speak to other agents and casting about your actions and all true facts will be given to them, it is all right here, we have nothing to lie about or mislead, it's all about YOUR actions and postings all over the internet which we will let continue for our court proceedings so feel free to please keep the accusations coming.
YOU are the only one complaining because you didn't "book" one of your "3" auditions as you commented were "unprofessional" auditions which was also relayed to the casting director. Do you think all of us SAG agents hate each other and will go against each other? You are thinking wrongfully, we are ALL working "together" for the talent in Michigan and all you are doing is getting A LOT of people in the acting community VERY upset with YOU.

#84 Author of original report
CTA Rocks So Much They Spread Lies
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 06, 2010
On top of messing with my industry websites, they went head and called my agents and spread out and out lies about me. Thank you very much for that.

#83 Consumer Comment
CTA Rocks
AUTHOR: XCpuckstopper35 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 02, 2010
PJ, I'm sorry that you and CTA couldn't connect professionally, but making harassing the company is just immature and unprofessional. A lot of people may not get auditions for a while, or see success from the auditions they do get. Some of these people give up and move on to better things. Others stick with it, and eventually it pays off for them. Personally, I've stuck with it...and it wasn't until recently that I booked my first SAG role. This wouldn't have been possible without Curt pushing to get me into auditions and helping along the entire process.
Curt calls on a regular basis with audition notices and valuable information. Within the last month I've booked a role, and had three other auditions. To say anything negative about CTA is just ridiculous. PJ, I'm sorry that things didn't work out and you have to act so unprofessional about the entire thing. Cut your losses, just grow up and cut it out.
To put it at as simple as I can, Curt Howe and Charlie's Talent Agency are awesome.

#82 General Comment
charlies talent agency
AUTHOR: Tom - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
I totally disagree with the complaint filed. I've been represented as an actor by
charlies talent for the past year and have had several auditions, Curt Howe is very
honest and professional I consider charlies talent the top agency in michigan I'm
very happy to be represented by charlies talent agency

#81 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: rebeccaanderson - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
I am the parent of three kids who have been represented by Curt Howe at CTA Michigan for just over a year now. From my initial contact with Curt he has been amazing! He has always been happy to not only submit the kids for roles they are appropriate for, but coach and encourage them before their auditions and to answer any questions I have had along the way. No matter what the need is, Curt is always quick to respond to us with professionalism. When we are in his office, he gives the kids his full attention and makes them feel like they are either his most important or only client!
With three kids, I have a unique view of the eb and flow of the film industry and auditions here in Michigan. The auditions go in waves, some weeks and months busier than others. My boys seemed to get all the auditions throughout the 2009-2010 school year and my daughter didn't get any auditions from August 2009 - March 2010 (at no fault of Curt...there was nothing for her to audition for during that time). After 7 months of no auditions, suddenly, my daughter was auditioning at least once to twice per week for all of April May June AND July and finally booked a role. On the set of the film she was on, we talked to actors from Los Angeles who said it isn't uncommon to go on 30 or MORE auditions before booking a single job. Curt Howe works tirelessly for his talent. He has put in hundreds of hours with my kids and if I calculated his hourly rate that he has made over the past year working with my 3 kids alone it would be in the pennies per hour. There is no guarantee in this business but that is just the nature of this business. I am 100% certain that you would be hard pressed to find a finer Talent Agent in the business than Curt Howe at CTA Michigan!

#80 UPDATE Employee
CTA is a Great Agency
AUTHOR: EthansMom - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
My son has been with Curt for about a year now. Curt has been great to us, my son has had several auditions with him in the past year. We love being a part of CTA because it is a small family oriented company.
In no way do feel that being with CTA is a rip off. I mean we dont pay anything unless you get booked, then you pay the usual 10% agency fee. We don't pay for headshots unless we get them done from an outside company which is not required.
Whoever is posting slander about Curt and CTA is just bitter that they didn't book any jobs. Being in this business you need to have the ability to handle rejection and to have patience. I know it is hard sometimes watching others book roles while you are struggling to get an audition but that is the business goes, sometimes you just don't fit the role.

#79 General Comment
a satisfied client of CTA
AUTHOR: mellowgirl - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
My daughter has been a client(talent) with Charlies Talent Agency for the last 2 years and we have been treated with professionalism, encouragement and kindness. We have never been mis-treated or misinformed in any way. CTA has taught us alot about the business and always treat my daughter special. My daughter has landed several principal/supporting movie roles with CTA and has had numerous auditions. We have been in this business steadily working for over 3 1/2 yrs and have never had a bad experience with any agency. I would highly recommend CTA as a great agency to work with.
In this business especially with movies it is based on several steps: Do you fit the role? If not you will not be called. If you are selected you then are submitted to the casting director, casting director then has to choose who best fits the role to present to the director who makes the final decision. You cannot blame the agency for not picking you or your child it is out of their hands. You have to have thick skin in this business and be able to handle rejection that is very important. You cannot obviously get every role you audition for, but at least you are given the chance to be seen.
I am very thankful for all the many opportunities CTA has brought to my daughter and along with her success we are truly thankful for. CTA works very hard for all their clients as with any business you cannot satisfy everybody. I highly recommend CTA to Individuals who are seriously looking into acting. We personally will continue to work with CTA and are proud to do so...

#78 Author of original report
To April
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Hi April. I doubt you are going to stick around but Ii just wanted your opinion on these two articles Curt Howe sent me:
From: | Christina Lemanski ( |
Sent: | Tue 5/04/10 12:00 AM |
To: | PJ Edwards ( |
This will jog your memory, remember my daughters Lisa and Sydney who were 17 and 18 years old that you were eyeing and looking at their rear ends every chance you got? And remember me at the Charlies Agency skating party you were starring down my 8 year old son? Well guess what, we have a group of moms and about 500 actors are very pissed off at you right now for what you are posting about Charlies Agency and we are preparing to post EVERYTHING about you with your photo as a potential child predator on every website we can find! Hope you like it! Google your name in a couple of days! and Great, we keep getting blasted with slander and false info form this kid and |

#77 General Comment
Charlie's Talent Agency
AUTHOR: Aprilcan - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
I have been signed with Charlie's Talent Agency for over 2 years. My 7 year old son has been with Curt and Charlie's for a year. In that time we have always been treated with the utmost professionalism and respect.
Curt works long hour and over and above the CALL OF DUTY for all his talent. Charlie's submits all qualified actors for the roles they fit. Curt and Charlie's have been extremely helpful in every facet of the business from head shots to IMDB credits to set etiquette for professional movie sets. Both my son and I have had the opportunity to work on many film sets under his representation.
I hold Curt Howe and Charlie's Talent Agency in the highest regards!
April Canning-Hite

#76 Author of original report
Christina Does Not Exist
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
If she did, she would at least know how to spell her own name. I think this is about the 100th time I have stated this in this thread. The email no longer responds 2 months after the e-mail was sent. Sorry, there is no weaseling your way out of this one.

#75 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Email sent to us from PJ Edwards
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
For #1, we have no "Christina Lemanski" on our roster or does not work for our company that's your problem and not ours. You shouldn't be blaming it on us, not nice she called you a name though, sorry to see that, it is disrespectful but yet you blame it on us because we are your target I guess in hopes that is was us that sent that to you. Whatever happens in your life that doesn't go your way, feel free to keep blaming it on us as it is easily printable to use for litigation. Here is the email sent to us directly yesterday by PJ Edwards and why it was reported as "Abuse" to Hotmail and we have never emailed PJ Edwards ANYTHING except the emails in the begininng of his frustration about our legal stance on the issue that contained nothing harassing or disrespectful that he claims.
----- Original Message -----
From: PJ Edwards
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 2:47 AM
Subject: JUST STOP
How long is this going to go on? I would really like to know because this seriously needs to stop. Don't you have clients you should be working for? I am not your client. Leave me a lone. Leave my blog alone. Leave my IMDb page alone. Get out of my life. Do you remember when you first threatened me and I told you that you were only going to make this worse if you continue? Well, you got what you asked for. You'll also notice that I never sent out anything aggressive towards you, unlike you. I've pretty much minded my own business and kept to myself. I highly recommend you do the same. This is really not going to end well if you continue this actions. I know that you messed with my industry pages. No amount of lies is going to change my mind. But this time you messed up badly because those industry pages you decided to mess up have to do with OTHER PEOPLE'S JOBS. So, I'm not going to be the only one pissed off at you. I sincerely hope you get the help you desperately need, PJ

#74 Author of original report
Rebutt does not mean make things up
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
My dad thinks you are nuts. Those are not my words, those are his. If you don't like it, then maybe you should read some of the e-mails you have sent me over the past 5 months. This is not a "bashing." I just copying and pasting everything you have sent to me.
From: | Christina Lemanski ( |
Sent: | Sat 5/08/10 12:21 PM |
To: | PJ Edwards ( |
As a recurring retard??? You'll find out soon enough moron, can't wait to see you at an actor event as well as us other moms, and this isn't a fake email, you are a psycho!!!!! --- On Thu, 5/6/10, PJ Edwards <> wrote:

#73 Consumer Comment
Curt Howe is Fair, Hard Working and a Solid Agent!
AUTHOR: Christine Marie - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
If you are reading this report to determine the quality of Curt Howe and Charlie's Talent Agency, please take this message to heart. My daughter and I have been with Curt and CTA for over 2 years. He is an excellent agent and a down to earth friend who will always go to bat for you and your career! We have nothing but good things to say about Curt and CTA. Our experiences have been excellent. Curt submits all of his loyal talent when there is a role available that fits them. Now, every headshot submitted does not get chosen by the casting director to actually audition. Many are passed by for a variety of reasons : wrong body type, not 'the look' that they're looking for, not enough experience, reminds them of their ex , etc. etc. etc. . . . This is a difficult industry to be a part of. It can be frustrating, it
can take forever to get anywhere, projects can fall through, and very
(very) often - we don't get the roles that we are after. This is just an
integral part of the Industry. A thick skin, some good people around
you, and a lot of prayers, can help you to deal with these difficulties.
These difficulties are not a reason, or an excuse for blaming your
Agent. In an Industry that is
constantly changing - Curt and CTA does not change. Curt is Loyal, Hard
working, and EXCELLENT at what he does. We love him. And we are honored
to be exclusive with CTA. It is a shame that you are slandering them. I posted earlier on this board and you attacked me. Please don't. You are correct, I have only 1 imdb film credit, currently. Read my resume. My experience is extensive in Independent Film and other areas. You can click the link to my resume on imdb pro. This post is not about me, but about how I feel We have been represented by CTA. And we have been represented extremely well. We would recommend Curt Howe to anyone who is looking for a fair, hard working solid agent!

#72 General Comment
CTA is very Professional
AUTHOR: Princess - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 01, 2010
CTA is a great! My daughter has been with CTA for over 2 years now and has had nothing but success with extreme professional's guiding her from CTA.
She has landed many roles both principle and supporting in major feature films/ movies. CTA has always treated us with respect and professionalism!
CTA has helped us out with resume's, headshot and demo reels and they want their talent to succeed in the business. CTA is the ONLY agency I will ever need for my daughter. CTA is the BEST and we will continue to stand by their side as they have stood by ours!
CTA just continue to do everything you are doing for my daughter and all of your talent. You are the best and want the best for your people. What an awsome agency and I would recommend you to anybody that is looking for a professional and knowledgeable agency!

#71 REBUTTAL Individual responds
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Please understand that no one will want to represent you PJ as you are now a "liability" to any agency. Do you think another agency will want information posted all over the internet about them if they get you a couple of auditions and you don't book one of them, then go on a rampage blaming the agency again like you did to us? I hope you understand that all of us agencies may be competitors but we respect each other, we don't bash each other or disrespect one another. The other SAG agencies here are wonderful and we work together for the sake of the actors and the people we represent. It's not about the agency or which agency is better than the other, it's about the people we represent and we are all working hard to help them achieve their goals and dreams. By you bashing the whole system makes everyone look bad in Michigan, and you are the ONLY person in Michigan let alone the US doing the bashing and complaining and we have to REBUT which is irratating, but we have to REBUT. AND, I am not a psycho, I have a loving family and respect people, can't you tell from the pictures you are posting of my daughter that we love each other?
THIS WAS WRITTEN BY PJ EDWARDS "thatpj.blogspot" under the heading "The Last Word"
The Last Word undefined undefined I promised myself I wasnt going to bring it up again but recent circumstances have broken the camels back. I may as well admit it now. My first agent, Curt Howe from Charlies Talent Agency is a psychopath. Not a Ha Ha Funny Psychopath you see on cartoons, but a real live this person may be serial killer type psychopath. Leaving messages on my parents answering machine? Not cool dude.

#70 REBUTTAL Individual responds
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 31, 2010
FYI, We can't remove another agencies representation for an actor, the representing agency has to remove it, I would suggest that you call the agency and ask them about it and I guarantee you they can give you the right answer. Best wishes!

#69 REBUTTAL Individual responds
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Again, please call the Michigan BBB and speak to Rebecca Gohlke for any who wish to inquire. Thank you!

#68 Author of original report
Communication With Charlie's Talent Agency
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 30, 2010
Well, this is the last straw. This man has completely lost his mind. Did he not think I wouldn't notice that all of sudden my representation has been randomly removed from my industry accounts? This is why I sincerely question his sanity. Does he really think that changing something online is going to change things written on paper?
From: | PJ Edwards ( |
Sent: | Tue 8/31/10 2:47 AM |
To: | |

#67 Author of original report
BBB Update
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 30, 2010
I just caught Curt Howe posting "false information." He is pretending like the BBB advised him to write something, which if you know anything about the BBB, is frankly not true. The only thing that is 'advising' Curt Howe right now are the voices in his head.
BBB National Complaint System | PJ Edwards |
Complaints Needing My Attention |
The following complaints require your attention. Click on any complaint to take the next step: |
ID | Consumer | Business | Complaint Type | Date Filed | Status | Messages |
8232141 | Edwards, PJ | Charlie's Talent Agency | Business Complaint | 7/9/10 | Consumer Rejected offer ![]() | ![]() |

#66 Author of original report
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 30, 2010
This is what we are dealing with here:
From: | Christina L (((Redacted))) |
Sent: | Tue 5/04/10 12:00 AM |
To: | PJ E (((Redacted))) |
This will jog your memory, remember my daughters Lisa and Sydney who were 17 and 18 years old that you were eyeing and looking at their rear ends every chance you got? And remember me at the Charlies Agency skating party you were starring down my 8 year old son? Well guess what, we have a group of moms and about 500 actors are very pissed off at you right now for what you are posting about Charlies Agency and we are preparing to post EVERYTHING about you with your photo as a potential child predator on every website we can find! Hope you like it! Google your name in a couple of days! --- On Tue, 5/4/10, PJ E (((Redacted))) wrote:

#65 Author of original report
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 30, 2010
They keep saying that I am posting "false information," yet can't prove what I am saying is false.
> From:
> To:(((Redacted)))
> Subject: PJ Edwards
> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 13:21:53 -0400
> Great, we keep getting blasted with slander and false info form this kid and
> called his mom and found he has Asberger Syndrome, just FYI because he is a
> loose cannon and surely take it to set if he ever gets on one.
> >
> Curt Howe -
> Charlie's Talent Agency
> 22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite 109
> Ferndale, MI 48220
> Ph. (586) 362-3561
> Fax (248) 850-2252
> NOTICE: This e-mail communication contains confidential (and/or legally
> privileged) information belonging to Charlie's Talent Agency and clients of
> the Agency and is intended solely for the designated addressee(s) named
> herein. The unauthorized use, disclosure or transmission of this e-mail (or
> any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited.

#64 REBUTTAL Individual responds
PJ Edwards still posting false information
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 30, 2010
To the general public...
The BBB and Attorney Generals office has advised us to post this rebuttal of false information posted as PJ Edwards has stated that "we have not responded" to his complaints with the BBB, and that the BBB and The Attorney General Office are "frustrated" with our company which is untrue as his many statements are above and putting our name in brackets next to emails, etc. Again, he didn't book any of his "3" auditions he had in 5 months when he was with us and on other sites like complaints board he claimed he had "NO" auditions in 5 months. We have responded to the BBB and Attorney General accordingly, to what he wants, we don't know, he said he filed the complaints for "informational purposes"? We will be speaking to his mom soon for assistance before we launch the litigation out of respect for his medical condition which we don't have to do, but we are a professional company.

#63 Author of original report
Disturbing Comment by Charlie's Talent Agency
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 29, 2010
Your mom is very nice and will deal with it when she gets home because it is what the Asperger Foundation recommended we do and praised us for trying to do so before any legal action is taken. |

#62 Author of original report
BBB Update
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 29, 2010
Curt Howe tried to say that my rejection letter that they received is the "final letter from the BBB." Which is quite funny because they told me something completely different. Do you know what happens when a business doesn't respond to a complaint? They get a F!
What Do I Do Next? The consumer has rejected the company offer in regards to this complaint, and the BBB has forwarded it to the business for review The time limit has been exceeded after sending a second request to the business to responsed to the complaint. |

#61 Author of original report
What Charlie's Talent Agency Doesn't Want You To See
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 29, 2010
First, I must thank you for posting that letter from the Attorney General. It only further proves my point that they were done dealing with you since you were uncooperative. Notice how they said,"As THIS RESPONSE indicates...." They are talking about YOU. I know this may be hard to understand since you don't seem to have any marbles but that's what that means when they say they are giving ME a copy of YOUR response.
Charlie's Talent Agency being cyberbullied by person with Asperger Syndrome?
We have NEVER harassed anyone like he is claiming and have had no contact with him in 5 months, but yet he continues to post false information about our company. I (Curt Howe), have contacted the Asperger Foundation of Michigan, they informed me that I would have to sit down with him and show him what he is doing and what the consequences will be if he doesn't stop. He won't sit down with us so we are trying to contact his mother for assistance but she is alway's out of town. We are trying everything we can outside of suing him as we know he has Aspergers and also filing a report with the police about the false police report he filed which is a felony and they can put him in jail for it. Our attorneys of course are ready to go after him today, but we are trying to find an outside resolution due to his medical condition, although the more time going by, the more false info he keeps posting online about our company. We don't need to disclose his name as the whole acting community in Michigan are aware of him as well as other agencies and casting directors. If he only knew that by posting so much information online, people won't touch him as he is considered a liability now, so his acting career is pretty much ruined because everyone knows we treat people with respect and have been in business for 13 years without a problem like this. Thank you, and any suggestions would help!

#60 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Supporting documents from BBB and Attorney General regarding PJ Edwards
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 28, 2010
Please reference the PJ Edwards complaint to the Attorney General Office and BBB, if you search the internet in regards to his complaints, they are all contradicting to his original story of his 3 auditions in 5 months, now he had NO auditions in 5 months and he still complaining about me answering a call from CBS before his audition which CBS seen on of our actors at Sundance and wanted to see them. I would take that call for ANY actor let alone it was before his audition. Then he complained I didn't know my lines? I am the agent, I am not supposed to memorize my lines??? And FYI to the general public, please check IMDB and search our company and click on our clients to see the films we have placed them in bottom line. Thank you!

#59 Author of original report
Defamation and Libel from Charlie's Talent Agency
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 26, 2010
Over Here:(((Redacted)))
1 hr 14 mins ago by ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hello Everyone who is reading this, I'm Chad Oliver and I'm the owner of Charlie's Talent Agency. It needs to be explained that PJ Edwards "ThatPJ" is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome which is a form of autism and out of 13 years of being in business, he is the ONLY individual writing to all of these "Scam" and "Complaint" boards online because he did NOT book any jobs from the auditions we did get him. He is stating the Attorney General is "fed up with us" but in truth, they threw out his complaint and he also falsified a police report which is a major offence and ther are NO investigations against our agency as per PJ Edwards states. Litigation has moved forward on this individual as we have not had any direct or indirect contact from our last email sent to him back in the month of April. SAG, all casting, productions, business clients all know who this individual is and all of the slanderous and false information from PJ Edwards has been noted by all relations. We attempted to let it pass, but now this has gone too far and he is to a point that he will not stop until the legal side puts a stop to it for us. He states "we are all talk" but will promise soon enough the law will prevail upon him sooner than later. You are more than welcome to call our agency direct on any concerns or information. Thank you, Chad Oliver Charlie's Talent Agency Corporate Office 1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201 Highland Park IL, 60035 Office: 847-831-8833 Fax: 847-831-4647 NOTICE: This e-mail communication contains confidential (and/or legally privileged) information belonging to Charlie's Talent Agency and clients of the Agency and is intended solely for the designated addressee(s) named herein. The unauthorized use, disclosure or transmission of this e-mail (or any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited. ------ They were unable to produce anything. If anyone should be complaining of "false info, slander, and libel." it's me. |

#58 REBUTTAL Owner of company
AUTHOR: Charlie''s Talent Agency - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 26, 2010
Chad Oliver
Charlie's Talent Agency
Corporate Office
1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201
Highland Park IL, 60035
Office: 847-831-8833
Fax: 847-831-4647

#57 Author of original report
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 23, 2010
This is what will happen:
A lot of our actors are cast for the project, you will be fine. You would have a ball with that role and actually a great character to pull off!!! LOL!
Charlie's Talent Agency
22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite 109
Ferndale, MI 48220
Ph. (586) 362-3561
Fax (248) 850-2250
Charlie's Talent Agency
22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite 109
Ferndale, MI 48220
Ph. (586) 362-3561
Fax (248) 850-2252
----- Original Message -----From: PJ EdwardsSent: Monday, February 22, 2010 2:12 PMSubject: Contacted by The Wannabe's Casting DirectorAs you know, a couple of weeks ago I worked as a paid extra on the set of The Wannabe's. On Thursday, I was contacted by Barbara Frazier regarding a role for their "Space Invaders" episode or something to that effect. She asked if I was free this week and re-confirmed my direct my contact info was. So, I just thought I'd drop a note about that situation.PJ

#56 Author of original report
Curt Howe - Backstage
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 19, 2010
Newbie |
Hi Everyone! Please do your homework and read what the actor posted about CTA being a "Scam", he had 3 auditions in 5 months and didn't book one of them and blaming the agent is what it boils down to and our agency consulted this person to not put extra work on IMDB and give himself a credit for a re-curring role in a TV series when he was an extra, we did everything politely but he didn't. You will see more press on it shortly from the false and slanderish info he is posting, we have been in business for over 13 years and tried to help out someone with a disorder and it backfired. Thank you, we treat our clients with respect. CTAMichigan | |||

#55 Author of original report
BBB Update
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 17, 2010

#54 Author of original report
One Fake Email Address Fades Away
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 14, 2010
So, I wanted to catch up to with our good friend "Christinana" or something like that but something weird happened!
From: | |
Sent: | Sat 8/14/10 4:26 AM |
To: | |
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients failed.
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Subject: The Wannabes
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 04:26:48 -0400
Christina) and it is also spelled different from the Twitter this email address is registered too (Christiana) |
From: | PJ Edwards ( |
Sent: | Thu 2/25/10 12:48 PM |
To: | |

#53 Author of original report
What Would WME Do?
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 12, 2010
So, Charlie's Talent Agency is pretty much holding my headshots for ransom. i think what they have written is a teachable moment. Let's break it down together:
> Subject: PJ Edwards
> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 13:21:53 -0400
> Great, we keep getting blasted with slander and false info form this kid and
> called his mom and found he has Asberger Syndrome, just FYI because he is a
> loose cannon and surely take it to set if he ever gets on one.
> Curt Howe -
> Charlie's Talent Agency
> 22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite 109
> Ferndale, MI 48220
> Ph. (586) 362-3561
> Fax (248) 850-2252
> NOTICE: This e-mail communication contains confidential (and/or legally
> privileged) information belonging to Charlie's Talent Agency and clients of
> the Agency and is intended solely for the designated addressee(s) named
> herein. The unauthorized use, disclosure or transmission of this e-mail (or
> any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited.

#52 Author of original report
BBB Update
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Because Curt Howe and Chad Oliver have waste all the time they should be working for thier clients on harassing me (such as falsely changing my credits on IMDb so they all read (uncredited)), I have filed a complaint with the BBB. This is the 2nd such complaint. Here are the details:
Company's Response:
RE: 8232141
Please be advised that as of July 7th 2010 Charlie's Talent Agency is
looking to move forward with litigation against Mr. Edwards due to breach of
contract, slander and libel.
The word "Extort" PJ Edward used in this complaint is clearly inappropriate
as well as the information used in this complaint is not fully accurate as
he is only using small portions of the original and confidential emails
sent. We have attempted to give PJ Edwards all options before this became a
legal issue. We did not release any photographs taken by Charlie's Talent
Agency to Mr. Edwards or give any permissions of usage of the photos which
were strictly for agency use. Mr. Edwards has been notified to remove them
which is also included in PJ Edwards complaint to the BBB using a portion of
the original emails sent from Chad Oliver in Chicago at our corporate office
and Curt Howe in Ferndale Michigan office. He has ignored all of our
requests, and his claim for "us" not to contact him; we haven't contacted
him since our intentions were sent to his emails also described in this
If he did not breach our contracts, posting slanderous, confidential and
libel information online, we may have worked something out for him to have
the images.
We stand on our decision to not grant him permission to use our images.
Curt Howe & Chad Oliver
Charlie's Talent Agency
(586) 362-3561
To: "'Curt Howe'" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 12:37 PM
Subject: FW: BBB Reply Draft
> RE: 8232141
> Please understand that due to the severity of online postings of the
> damaging information against Curt Howe, Chad Oliver and Charlie's Talent
> Agency, we are not willing to release permission of our photographs to Mr.
> Edwards unless the following issues are resolved.
> With current litigation against Mr. Edwards for Breach of Contract, Libel,
> False Statements and Slander; once the following conditions below are met
> by
> Mr. Edwards, Charlie's Talent Agency will grant him full rights to use the
> images:
> 1. Stated apology to Charlie's Talent Agency, Curt Howe & Chad
> Oliver
> on (With our approval)
> 3. Mr. Edwards agrees to not post any more slander and libel/false
> statements online against Charlie's Talent Agency, Chad Oliver or
> Curt Howe
> 4. Any other postings that are negative against Charlie's Talent
> Agency posted online that can be found through the search
> engines,
> personal networks, Blogs, Etc.
> If Mr. Edwards agrees to the above mentioned and all of these requests
> have
> been met and verified, we will mail the proper release to Mr. Edwards.
> Understand Mr. Edwards "rage" against our agency is for the simple fact he
> did not get many auditions or "book" any jobs from those auditions.
> Michigan casting directors are aware of his postings as slandered the
> projects he auditioned for as we were doing casting a favor by auditioning
> our clients in our office.
> Our agency has only contacted Mr. Edwards back in April with emails to
> remind him he is in breach of contract, requesting and attempting to stop
> Mr. Edwards from posting false statements and slanderous comments. Mr.
> Edwards continually states we are harassing him, threatening, stalking,
> etc
> as we have been advised from the beginning to never contact Mr. Edwards
> nor
> we will ever contact him again.
> Below are the actual emails sent to Mr. Edwards with his responses.
> Thank you for your attention in this matter.
> Curt Howe & Chad Oliver
> Charlie's Talent Agency
> Corporate Office
> 1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201
> Highland Park IL, 60035
> Office: 847-831-8833
> Fax: 847-831-4647
> NOTICE: This e-mail communication contains confidential (and/or legally
> privileged) information belonging to Charlie's Talent Agency and clients
> of
> the Agency and is intended solely for the designated addressee(s) named
> herein. The unauthorized use, disclosure or transmission of this e-mail
> (or
> any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited.
This will jog your memory, remember my daughters Lisa and Sydney who were 17 and 18 years old that you were eyeing and looking at their rear ends every chance you got? And remember me at the Charlies Agency skating party you were starring down my 8 year old son? Well guess what, we have a group of moms and about 500 actors are very pissed off at you right now for what you are posting about Charlies Agency and we are preparing to post EVERYTHING about you with your photo as a potential child predator on every website we can find! Hope you like it! Google your name in a couple of days! ---------------------------------------------- Classic Professionalism. |

#51 Author of original report
Youtube vs. Charlie's Talent Agency
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 10, 2010
From: | |
Sent: | Sat 7/10/10 4:41 PM |
To: |
This email is to inform you that the privacy complaint you have submitted
has now been transferred to the YouTube Team for review due to no response
from the content uploader. At this time, the YouTube Team will review your
claim and make the appropriate decision. You will receive further
notification regarding our removal decision if your complaint is complete
and valid.
The YouTube Team
This is what happens when you post unauthorized material! If I had to guess what
would happen is not only will the videos be deleted but the entire charlietalentmi channel.
I guess you can't do whatever you want to other people, d****ebag.
And come Monday, the road of your harassment, threats, and other crap ends in it's tracks.

#50 Author of original report
Charlie's Talent Agency - Guilty of Perjury
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 09, 2010
I really hope that Charlie's Talent Agency read very carefully the IMDb policy for reporting copyright infringement. one of their policies state, "A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf"

#49 Author of original report
Charlie's Talent Agency Has Been Served
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 08, 2010
Youtube has served Charlie's Talent Agency notice to remove their unauthorized videos of me for using my image and voice without my prior authorization.
From: | |
Sent: | Thu 7/08/10 3:26 PM |
This email confirms that we have received your Privacy Infringement
Notification for the following videos:
To provide the uploader with an opportunity to remove or rectify their
video of their own accord, we will generate an email to the uploader,
registering your complaint. Your privacy is respected during this process.
At no point will your identity or contact information be released to the
uploader. The uploader is then allowed two days to rectify the situation
before it comes under review by the YouTube Team.
The YouTube Team

#48 Author of original report
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 08, 2010
Good job. You have successfully convinced IMDb to remove my headshots.

#47 Author of original report
Additional Harassment evidence
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 08, 2010
I got this e-mail from IMDb today:
Mr. Edwards:
We are contacting you to inform that we have removed 2 images from your IMDb resume page located here:
The images have being removed because we have received formal notification that they have been uploaded in violation of the terms and conditions of use outlined in our IMDb Resume Services subscription agreement at
Please be aware that, as per the terms of the agreement, you must own or otherwise control all of the rights to any content that you submit.
You can upload new replacement images, should you desire to do so. Please do not re-upload the same images or any other image to which you do not own/control the rights.
If you have any questions regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at
Thank you for your understanding.
The IMDb Help Desk
I wonder who did that? It couldn't have been the same d****ebag who has been trying to extort me?
Anyways, I just uploaded the photos again. d****ebag.

#46 Author of original report
My Complaints - Listed by Evidence and Type
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 05, 2010
Extortion - Extortion, outwresting, and/or exaction is a criminal offense which occurs when a person unlawfully obtains either money, property or services from a person(s), entity, or institution, through coercion. Refraining from doing harm is sometimes euphemistically called protection. Extortion is commonly practiced by organized crime groups. The actual obtainment of money or property is not required to commit the offense. Making a threat of violencewhich refers to a requirement of a payment of money or property to halt future violence is sufficient to commit the offense. Exaction refers not only to extortion or the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force,[1] but additionally, in its formal definition, means the infliction of something such as pain and suffering or making somebody endure something unpleasant.[2] In the United States, extortion may also be committed as a federal crime across a computer system, phone, by mail or in using any instrument of "interstate commerce". Extortion requires that the individual sent the message "willingly" and "knowingly" as elements of the crime. The message only has to be sent (but does not have to reach the intended recipient) to commit the crime of extortion. (wikipedia) Chad Oliver Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:30:37 -0500 Now, you have legally broken laws of contract, we have the right to move forward with this legal matter. You have 24 hours to retract ALL comments, confidential information and postings you have made online regarding Charlie's Talent Agency. For your release we must have it in written notice, signed and dated sent to the Michigan office and we will release your contracts but until then you are still under legal contract. Chad Oliver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harassment by computer is a crime in several U.S. states (see computer crime). It is distinct from stalking in that stalking typically requires two or more contacts, whereas harassment by computer may be a single incident. It is also different from regular harassment, because the offense typically encompasses a range of crimes that would not be considered harassment if conducted in person. and Defamationalso called calumny, vilification, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image. It is usually, but not always,[1] a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant). In common law jurisdictions, slander refers to a malicious, false and defamatory spoken statement or report, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts, which arises where one person reveals information that is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person. "Unlike [with] libel, truth is not a defense for invasion of privacy."[2] (wikipedia)Sent: Fri 4/16/10 6:10 PM
Charlie's Talent Agency
22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite 109
Ferndale, MI 48220
www.charliestalentagency.comSent: Mon 4/19/10 2:24 PM
Charlie's Talent Agency
Corporate Office
1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201
Highland Park IL, 60035
Charlie's Talent Agency
Corporate Office
1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201
Highland Park IL, 60035
The use of electronic tools such as email or instant messaging to harass or abuse a person or persons.
The invisible (to the unaided eye) use of electronic weapons or directed energy weapons to harass or abuse a person or persons.
> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 13:21:53 -0400
> Great, we keep getting blasted with slander and false info form this kid and
> called his mom and found he has Asberger Syndrome, just FYI because he is a
> loose cannon and surely take it to set if he ever gets on one.
> Curt Howe -
> Charlie's Talent Agency
> 22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite 109
> Ferndale, MI 48220
> NOTICE: This e-mail communication contains confidential (and/or legally
> privileged) information belonging to Charlie's Talent Agency and clients of
> the Agency and is intended solely for the designated addressee(s) named
> herein. The unauthorized use, disclosure or transmission of this e-mail (or
> any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited. From: CTA Michigan Sent: Thu 5/13/10 9:25 AM To: report_spam at live dot com
Charlie's Talent Agency
Corporate Office
1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201
Highland Park IL, 60035

#45 Author of original report
This is not a soapbox
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 03, 2010
This place is not a forum for you to announce how "amazing" your clientele is. I am still waiting for you to answer for your harassment.
This is our final attempt. If you do NOT comply with our statements below, by the state of Michigan we can and will legally take action for breach of contract and slander. Any email from the agency is considered business and our attorney has all copies of conversation and will move forward unless you comply with action.
Chad Oliver Charlie's Talent Agency Corporate Office 1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201 Highland Park IL, 60035 Office: 847-831-8833 Fax: 847-831-4647
NOTICE: This e-mail communication contains confidential (and/or legally privileged) information belonging to Charlie's Talent Agency and clients of the Agency and is intended solely for the designated addressee(s) named herein. The unauthorized use, disclosure or transmission of this e-mail (or any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited.

#44 Author of original report
I'm not the only one
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 03, 2010
Also, I'm not the only one that has fired Curt Howe and his band of merry men over the past 6 months. Some people actually take thier career seriously.

#43 Author of original report
To Curt
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 03, 2010
Thanking yourself isn't going to make you look any more famous.
Bragging about people booking extra parts isn't either.
Anyways, I submit another question....You brag about how amazing your agency is yet, in my experience the only thing you really offer are open calls for photo shoots. That's no differnet then Craigslist.
How can you brag about opportunity when there is none given? Where is the opportunity in not having sides prepared for a taped audition? How is that professional?
We all know about your favoritsm of certain clients.

#42 Author of original report
To "Supporting Parent"
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 03, 2010
Ah, another anonymous person with no legitmacy to thier name. Anyways, let's pretend that you are actually a real person for a second. Let's pretend that you do in fact have a kid who is a client and that you are not just repeating the "company line" like so many of his previous fake accounts and lackeys are. Let's pretend you actually believe what you are saying.
Okay, I have one question for you: Would you like to be represented by someone that send these sort of e-mails to former clients?
RE: Remember me? (Curt Howe - CHARLIE"S TALENT AGENCY)?
From: Christina L (((Redacted)))
Sent: Sat 5/08/10 12:21 PM
To: PJ Edwards
As a recurring retard??? You'll find out soon enough moron, can't wait to see you at an actor event as well as us other moms, and this isn't a fake email, you are a psycho!!!!! ---
On Thu, 5/6/10, PJ Edwards wrote:
Subject: RE: Remember me? (Curt Howe - CHARLIE"S TALENT AGENCY)
To: christiana l
Date: Thursday, May 6, 2010, 7:05 PM
Hey! I was just on the set on The Wannabes Starring Savvy again, for my 3rd episode as a RECURRING character. Unfortunately, I didn't see you there. But I did see lots of other folks. I got a fist bump by the director and hugs and handshakes from the cast and crew. I find it unfortunate that you just couldn't tell me the truth. That A) you never worked on the set. B) This is a fake e-mail address C) That you not only lied to me but to the production company as well. and D) That you could have avoided all of this if you just simply stopped with the threats and harassment. I just find it all the more sad and pathetic that if you took the time to ask a freakin' question to me or production that you would have all the answers you need about my resume. But instead you go into a paranoid rampage and accuse people of lying when you frankly don't know s**t. Gooooooooooooooood Luck to you!
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 21:00:48 -0700
From: christiana l
Subject: RE: Remember me?
To: PJ
This will jog your memory, remember my daughters Lisa and Sydney who were 17 and 18 years old that you were eyeing and looking at their rear ends every chance you got? And remember me at the Charlies Agency skating party you were starring down my 8 year old son? Well guess what, we have a group of moms and about 500 actors are very pissed off at you right now for what you are posting about Charlies Agency and we are preparing to post EVERYTHING about you with your photo as a potential child predator on every website we can find! Hope you like it! Google your name in a couple of days! ---
On Tue, 5/4/10, PJ Edwards wrote:
Subject: RE: Remember me?
To: christiana l
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 3:39 AM
Maybe you can help job my memory . . .what scene were you in? Which member of Savvy was acting with you? Who directed you? Who did your wardrobe? What was your wardrobe? What time did you break for lunch? If you could answer ANY of those questions, maybe I'll be able to help you.
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 19:58:12 -0700
From: Christiana L
Subject: Remember me?
To: PJ
Hi, I believe it was you that was on the set of The Wannabes right?
Just thought I'd let you know that you are putting your son at risk by having him around someone who would think these disturbing and disgusting thoughts!
Would any REAL people like to defend Curt Howe now?
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.
#41 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Thank you!
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 03, 2010
We love our talent and THANK YOU to our clients that have posted your nice compliments. This is a ripoff site for monetary value and still don't know why we are posted on here. Nothing will stop what we are doing for our clients and their dreams. Our clients are ALL doing an amazing job as well and waiting patiently for the right role and know that patience is key. People have booked Principal/Supporting "Speaking" roles over the past few weeks including 8 people booked in War Flowers, 8 people in Machine Gun Preacher, 3 people in A Very Merry H&K Xmas, 4 people in Real S, 4 people in 30 Minutes, 2 in Scream, 2 in Coke Zero Commercial, several on hold and waiting for booking confirm and callbacks on 4 other SAG Features! You guys Rock!!! We are a small agency and these are great numbers!!!
Thank you again to all of our clients! I am so amazed at the talent we have!

#40 UPDATE Employee
Supporting Parent
AUTHOR: EthansMom - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 03, 2010
I just want to say my son is a client of Curt Howe at Charlies Talent Agency. I have to say Curt and his family have been nothing but nice to him and my family. My son does get auditions he hasn't booked anything but that has nothing to do with Curt and his agency. It's just the way that industry goes. The way Curt works is if you fit the role he will submit you. If you are new to acting he is certainly not going to submit you for a lead role ( that wouldn't make the agency look too good if you are not experianced). If the role calls for a 15 year old he is not gonna submit a 10 year old that would be a waste of everyones time. Curt takes your headshots at the office for FREE!! Although alot of people go and have them done themselves it is always an option. Curt does not get paid unless you get a paying gig. SO you do not lose anything. We love having our son with Curt whether he gets a role or not. Thanks Curt we appreciate all you hard work!!

#39 Author of original report
My Parents
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 02, 2010
Oh yeah, since this has came up multiple times in this thread. I might as well share Curt Howe celebrating one of his threats to my parents in an e-mail to me.
Charlie's Talent Agency
Woodward Avenue, Suite
Ferndale, MI 48220
----- Original Message -----From:To:Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 2:41 PMSubject: RE: PJ EdwardsI already told you to stop contacting me. Please do not contact me again or you will make the situation worse.
> From:
> To:
> Subject: PJ Edwards
> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 13:21:53 -0400
> Great, we keep getting blasted with slander and false info form this kid and
> called his mom and found he has Asberger Syndrome, just FYI because he is a
> loose cannon and surely take it to set if he ever gets on one.
> Curt Howe -
> Charlie's Talent Agency
> Woodward Avenue, Suite
> Ferndale, MI 48220
> NOTICE: This e-mail communication contains confidential (and/or legally
> privileged) information belonging to Charlie's Talent Agency and clients of
> the Agency and is intended solely for the designated addressee(s) named
> herein. The unauthorized use, disclosure or transmission of this e-mail (or
> any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited.

#38 Author of original report
Striking Similarities
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 02, 2010
I've got another funny story: I am going to post portions of two different e-mails. One is from Curt Howe/Chad Oliver, the other from another d****ebag pretending to be an agent that was trying to exhort people, and was recently called out by the website
A. I can only assume you are very new within this industry and have limited knowledge of the business side. Knowing there are only 4 SAG agencies and 3 casting directors in the entire state of Michigan. I don't think you understand we have relations with all of them, but does this give us the right to speak with every current and future casting director and production we are affiliated with and tell them that PJ is a "d****e bag", don't work with him because he's a scam and causes problems on set and lie's on his resume??
B. Before EITHER of you were born, I was auditioning for movies with Nick Nolte, commercials for Domino's pizza and walking the runway with Gingiss formalwear. I went on to an Ivy League university and took classes at the best business school in the country, Wharton. The education I paid for myself is worh $200,000 in today's dollars. I am also a Mensa member, which means your I.Q. must be in the top 2% in the country.
In 2003, I started back in the Hollywood game, casting a little show called Joe Millionaire 2. Since then, I have built up 56 credits in casting/acting, a pretty hefty amount in a non major acting market.
A. On Monday, I will begin the legal process to sue you both for the sum of $100,000 for defamation of character, libel, slander, current and future loss of income & talent pool. I will probably win an out of court settlement from you for $10K each pretty easily, based on the emails you each wrote that I have forwarded to my counsel.B. You have 7 days to remove any photo's that are the property of Charlie's Talent Agency or we may persue legal options for copyright issues. The photo's are not available to purchase as well. Photo's are complimentary to our clients for our submission usage.

#37 Author of original report
To Jordan
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 01, 2010
I just have one question for you:

#36 Author of original report
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 01, 2010
To Christine: I saw your IMDb page. The only credit you have is a crew credit for a film that occurred in the spring of last year. Something Curt Howe isn't even responsible for. Are you really trying to claim as if he got you auditions for films and commercials?

#35 UPDATE Employee
An open argument...
AUTHOR: JordanCBrun - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 01, 2010
While I cannot specifically state to your experiences with Curt Howe, the local head of Charlie's Talent's Michigan branch, I can state for the reputation of my experiences working with Curt and others within the professional community. Before you go stating that this is an erroneous message of someone to merely countermand your original posting, my name is Jordan C. Brun, I currently am employed as Visual Arts Teacher at Canton High School, and also work as a Freelance Artist, Host/MC, as well as being a Stunt Performer and Actor. I am currently represented by Charlie's Talent of Michigan, as well as the iGroup and Aspen Talent. IMDB credits are located at . Now then, to the meat of my message:
I have known Curt for a few years, ever since working with his daughter Shelby, a skilled actress in her own right, on a non-paying web series gig in which she played my daughter. I was first struck by Curt's kindness and interest in assisting his daughter in working in a career that she found fun. Both she and Curt were very professional and I didn't think much about him or Shelby until later when Curt described his experiences in Chicago with Chad Oliver and Charlie's Talent, and stated to me that he wished to open a branch in Michigan to solicit and support Michigan talent.
Having had little to no luck with the other agencies I had signed with in the area for a variety of reasons, I have been fortunate to be employed by two different production companies since Charlie's inception into the Michigan film market when I originally agreed to let Curt represent me. I have auditioned for numerous roles, both in and outside of Michigan, averaging at least one per month - but was only able to land two in the three years I have been involved with the agency. At the time I write this, I have had over 28 years of experience acting on stage and screen, and have seen numerous talent within Michigan receive their union or equity cards before me. Whereas I could easily be bitter over this, and broadcast my frustrations for the world to hear, I have found ways to focus my energies more directly into the craft and, when I can, support my fellow struggling actors in Michigan, rather than badmouth them or those that are willing to work for my betterment.
The one role I am most thankful for Curt and Chad and the many others associated with Charlie's Talent is being able to work in Chicago on motion capture for Midway Studios. While I was working through a foreclosure on my home, and supporting my wife and two children on a teacher's salary, I had no financial means to support myself while working in Chicago, Curt took it upon himself to arrange for me to stay with Chad (whom I had never met before rolling into his condominium at 11pm the night before I was to begin work) during the duration of my job. Chad was immensely hospitable, including paying for my non-comped meals while I was staying with him, and I have been able to communicate with Curt on a daily basis if necessary to express my needs and desires for the company. I could not be happier with the way Curt and Chad have remained professional and interested in assisting their talent get and keep work and maintain their professionalism.
I am thankful for the opportunities and people I have met through Charlie's Talent, and am glad to have had the experiences I have been able to gather from my jobs with them. While I understand that this is an imperfect system and I will not be able to audition, nor be accepted for every role available for my demographic, I know that Curt and Chad and the other actors of Charlie's support their Agents and their fellow actors - if they did not, I would cease to be a member of this community and find other ways to focus my energies. If you truly feel that what you have stated above is the case in regards to your experiences with Charlies, I recommend that you do as such and find a more positive output for your creative endeavors - the negativity that flows from this posting is abhorrent to me, and I am very upset to see Curt's - but especially Shelbys (who has no connection to your frustrations with Charlie's management of your career) image used as fodder for your complaint thread.
And, once more for justification this is me:
-Jordan C. Brun /

#34 Consumer Comment
Curt Howe is Fair, Hard Working and a Solid Agent!
AUTHOR: Christine Marie - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 01, 2010
This is a difficult industry to be a part of. It can be frustrating, it can take forever to get anywhere, projects can fall through, and very (very) often - we don't get the roles that we are after. This is just an integral part of the Industry. A thick skin, some good people around you, and a lot of prayers, can help you to deal with these difficulties. These difficulties are not a reason, or an excuse for blaming your Agent. Myself and other family members have been with Curt Howe and Charlie's Talent Agency for over 2 years. In an Industry that is constantly changing - Curt and CTA does not change. Curt is Loyal, Hard working, and EXCELLENT at what he does. We love him. And we are honored to be exclusive with CTA. It is a shame that you are slandering them.

#33 Author of original report
Funny Story
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I just found out some more lies I was being told when I used to be a client. There were a bunch of films casting during April. However, the communications from Cmail looked like this:

#32 Consumer Comment
Speaking TRUTHFULLY - Charlie's is a wonderful agency!!!
AUTHOR: MELLIE MEL - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My daughter has been with Charlie's Talent Agency for almost 2 years. We have had nothing but positive experiences with Curt and the agency. My daughter was new to the business and he has helped us in everything we have asked for! He has gotten her plenty of auditions if she has fit the role, suggested acting coaches and classes to help her better herself. When she has had an audition Curt and his staff have helped her prepare for the audition! Whenever I have a question either thru phone or email Curt has gotten back to me that day with answers!! Now I know of other talent agencies and with the number of clients they have it could take weeks or maybe not even getting your phone call returned!! I know I am babbling on and on but I cannot believe that just because someone didn't fit the part when audition came up and that certain person is bitter because they were not getting auditions they are going to slander a good name!!! My daughter is 9 years old and she has never gotten upset when someone else she knows got an audition and she didn't, she is happy whenever someone from Charlie's get a part or is up for a role! It is a rough business and if you can't take it then it isn't ment for you! Life is what you make it and if you are going to be nasty and bitter then thats your business but don't try and take other people down with you because the truth is the truth and in the end YOU will be the only one hurting...
Have a wonderful day!!!

#31 Author of original report
COMPANYmeter - Clarification
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 28, 2010
Sometimes I forget that the audience here might not understand the lingo i am using. Anyways, the COMPANYmeter (referenced as STARmeter in the previous post) measures the influence of the companies on IMDb by the star meters of clients on IMDb. Which is why this is such an issue. It would be one thing if it was just one person, but it is the entire company.

#30 Author of original report
Charlie's Talent Agency -Extras - iMDb
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 24, 2010
I am going to finally address this and put this to bed. Curt Howe original red herring argument against me was that my imdb only had 3 "nonspeaking" roles on it.

#29 Author of original report
I Can't Get Any Rest
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, June 19, 2010
I recently got featured by Blog Stage - the Blog Arm of BackStage Magazine, a well respected industry magazine. However, Curt Howe will not go away. Even with repeated communication with the Attorney General. He writes, under a fake pseudonym:
That guy is bad mouthing an awesome agency in Detroit though, how can we take advice from someone that is bad mouthing a wonderful Detroit agency here and has earned a lot of disresepect from the social network??? He posted articles all over the net about Charlie's Talent Agency on rip off websites and other blogs like an outraged MADMAN, is this really professional for an actor to do and then write about social networking???

#28 Author of original report
BBB Update
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Eastern Michigan Better Business Bureau rates Charlie's Talent Agency with a C- on a scale from A+ to F. A C- is the 5th lowest grade in the system.

#27 Author of original report
The Michigan AG
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 25, 2010
5/25/10 UPDATE

#26 Author of original report
Curt Howe and Chad Oliver
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 21, 2010
If you see these two guys, go in the opposite direction.

#25 Author of original report
LIES and 5/21/10 UPDATE
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 21, 2010
There are no legal proceedings. Period.

#24 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Chad Oliver-
AUTHOR: Charlie''s Talent Agency - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 18, 2010
To whom may be reading these postings:
I'm Chad Oliver-Owner of Charlie's Talent Agency. As you can see from the ridicules postings of slander, false assumptions, harassment, False Emails, etc the list goes on by PJ Edwards. We have taken the proper legal steps to correct this individual and his actions and yes we have also made sure SAG, BBB and the Attorney General and of course our legal side know of his actions.
Michigan is an up-in-coming state for production projects and this individual had 3 auditions in 5 months (1 was a national commercial). He also slandered 2 local casting agencies as he stated the auditions were "bull-s**t" and they also are aware of his postings. We have only spoken to PJ ONCE only after we found his first postings of slander but because of recent findings by his mother of his mental condition we at Charlie's Talent felt this is still no excuse for his actions and we are still taking the proper steps.
As ALL of you know you we do not create the projects, we give every opportunity that's available but as the projects come in we do not always know what roles are available. As an agency, we can only submit our talent that fit that specific role which reflects on our abilities to casting and production; and it's unfortunate PJ just didn't fit many of the roles. We suggested to him not to do this full-time but again it was his choice to be a full-time actor and this was the outcome. As you all can see his posting are irrelevant to "Scams", or whatever else he claims.
And by they way, I use Internet Explorer with a Gateway and IBM Laptop Computer in the office and that is not my computer number either....
If anyone has any questions or concerns in this matter they can contact my office anytime.
Chad Oliver
Charlie's Talent Agency
Corporate Office
1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201
Highland Park IL, 60035
Office: 847-831-8833
Fax: 847-831-4647

#23 Author of original report
You Don't Have Any Idea What You're Talking About
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 17, 2010
This forum is not a place for you to say whatever you want. It's not a place where you can make threats. It is not place where you can lie. It is not a place where you can play pretend. At this point, you can say whatever you like. I'm done. I don't know if you know this but this report is PERMANENT. It is currently showing up 3rd on Google searches of "Charlie's Talent Agency."

#22 REBUTTAL Owner of company
You CHOSE not to be contacted by complaints
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 17, 2010
We are sorry sir, but complaints do not come and give just an FYI to these reporting services, this is very serious when you are slandering a company's reputation and you WILL be contacted back in regards to your complaints by the Attorney General, the POLICE, BBB, Santa, and whoever else you are complaining to. Our rebuttals are complete and truthful with complete facts. You submitted False/Libel/Slanderous info and soon to come, probably a false police report. Thank you for saving us money with attorney fees. Have a great day!

#21 Author of original report
Caught REDHANDED Using FAKE Names to Harass Me
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 16, 2010
Keep talking. One day you'll say something intelligent.
The last comment was from which is in Highland Park, Illinois. They used a Firefox 3.6 on a MacOSX CPU. That's also where Chad Oliver and Charlie's Talent Agency is located.
You got caught Red HANDED!
Chad Oliver
Charlie's Talent Agency
Corporate Office
Old Skokie Rd Ste ###
Highland Park IL, 60035

#20 Author of original report
Clearly, There Are Issues
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 16, 2010
I have been forwarding all communication with you and from you to Executive Director of S.A.G. in Michigan and Pennsylvania at her request.

#19 Author of original report
The Owner Continues to Break the Rules of the Website
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 16, 2010
If you represent the company or person who is the subject of the report, your rebuttal CAN include the following:
- Your side of the story;
- Positive references showing that you have a good reputation;
- An explanation that you believe the report is not accurate in some way (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC If you think the report is a hoax, please say so and demand that the author provide some proof that the transaction/event really happened);
- Contact information for people to reach you if they want more information;
- Any other useful information which you believe an interested reader needs to know about you or your business.
If you are a consumer who has something to say about the person or company reported, your rebuttal CAN include the following:
- Comments explaining any similar experience(s) you have had with this person or company;
- Information which you believe supports or contradicts the complaint described in the report;
- Any other useful information which you believe an interested reader needs to know about the person or business described in the report.
Please note that rebuttals should NOT contain any of the following:
- Profanity, obscenity, threats of violence, racist remarks, false statements, personal information (i.e., social security numbers, credit card numbers, home address(es) or phone numbers), or any other information which violates Ripoff Report's Terms of Service;
- Rumors, speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your statements are true;
- Trivial comments (i.e., Nice report!) which do not add anything useful to the discussion.

#18 REBUTTAL Owner of company
False/Libel Information from PJ Edwards
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 15, 2010
Again another false and libel statement...Dreamhost (our web provider), the SAG office, BBB, Attorney General are all NOT conducting investigations and suggest you post your facts of such claims and not just words to backup your case please. I sincerely hope you did file a report to the police because all of your above information is falsified, surely the police report is as well.

#17 REBUTTAL Owner of company
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 15, 2010
Even more libel and false again, we did receive your "SPAM" email from your email and reported it to spam.

#16 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Rebuttal Again
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 15, 2010
Those anonymous comments are actors we know actually PJ, you know who they are as well, not coming from us. And to put my name in brackets next to an email you received from someone else or actually may have written yourself again is libel/fraudulent and slanderous which is only digging the hole deeper when this goes to court. And again it is nice The Wannabes called you back to set as an "EXTRA", not a "RECURRING EXTRA".

#15 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Owner having "fake" emails
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 15, 2010
Please PJ, we have better things to do than use a "fake" email or harass someone, luckily this is Saturday and I can respond to your libel postings and information....

#14 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 15, 2010
Don't know who that is, but doesn't sound to good. Actually if you had disclosed your medical condition to us PJ, I would have appreciated it and educate the parents that questioned me of your strange behavior and kept to yourself whenever we had our events.

#13 REBUTTAL Individual responds
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 15, 2010
Thank you for the comment, as you can see there are no other actors anywhere posting comments on these posts as they know they are libel...

#12 REBUTTAL Individual responds
The Wannabes
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 15, 2010
Yes, production called me and asked if you could play a "NERD EXTRA", not a speaking role and I told them you would be perfect for it is why they called you as we don't do extra work. I followed up with an email to confirm they got in touch with you and told you to have fun? What is wrong with that? And IMDB, you ONLY put SPEAKING ROLES and not extra parts which you keep doing and you argue with me about it. Please enlighten the whole acting community why you feel you can put EXTRA roles on your IMDB or even your resume???

#11 Author of original report
Update as of 5/14/10
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 14, 2010
Because of repeated harassment, stalking, and threats, I have filed a police report.

#10 Author of original report
Now They Are Amateur Hackers
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Funny story.
Subject: Re:Ya
I ordered one black apple iphone 3gs 16gb from this website (((Redacted)))
one weeks ago, today I got it . Amazing,beyond my imagination, it's genuine and as good as expected,but much cheaper. I'm pleased to share this good news with you! May all goes well for you.

#9 Author of original report
Info and Updates 5/9/10
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 09, 2010
Just wanted to stop by and update, since this is an ongoing situation. I linked this Report to my blog where I found these comments, obviously made by the "Owner" of the company:
PJ, your only hurting yourself. This is a small town, the agency works direct with all casting 3 of them total and production in Michigan. Do you not realize that if they are working on a project that they would make sure your not involved????

Anonymous said...
And he is the only one complaining about the agency so he must be retarded!
From: | |
Sent: | Sat 5/08/10 3:03 PM |
To: |
Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 09:21:40 -0700
Subject: RE: Remember me? (Curt Howe - CHARLIE"S TALENT AGENCY)
As a recurring retard??? You'll find out soon enough moron, can't wait to see you at an actor event as well as us other moms, and this isn't a fake email, you are a psycho!!!!! --- On Thu, 5/6/10, wrote:

#8 Author of original report
Owner Has A History of Using Fake Profiles Online
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 04, 2010

#7 Author of original report
I'm Not Taking Others Down
AUTHOR: thatpj - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 04, 2010
When I receive e-mail like this: The little innocent rouse goes away awful quickly.
From: | |
Sent: | Tue 5/04/10 12:00 AM |
To: |
This will jog your memory, remember my daughters Lisa and Sydney who were 17 and 18 years old that you were eyeing and looking at their rear ends every chance you got? And remember me at the Charlies Agency skating party you were starring down my 8 year old son? Well guess what, we have a group of moms and about 500 actors are very pissed off at you right now for what you are posting about Charlies Agency and we are preparing to post EVERYTHING about you with your photo as a potential child predator on every website we can find! Hope you like it! Google your name in a couple of days! --- On Tue, 5/4/10, wrote:

#6 Consumer Comment
Charlies talent agency and Curt Howe do a great job
AUTHOR: Backstagemom - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 04, 2010
My daughter has been with Charlies for almost 2 years now. There is not alot of auditions for teens but the ones that are available, Curt always submits his clients "if they fit the criteria from the casting directors". We have had auditions and have never been booked yet, even as an extra but I understand that we are in the beginnings of the movie movement here and patience is a virtue.

#5 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Nore more need to respond
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 04, 2010
We have many great things to accomplish for the wonderful actors we represent and respect every one of them, as you will find there is not a single other complaint on the internet except from this person. We are sorry the PJ Edwards is a "full time" actor then taking out all of his frustration on our agency with remarks of harrassment when we tried explaining things to him clamly and he would not listen. It is odd to find this information being posted on ripoff websites or scam websites as there is NO MONETARY value of this persons dipute let alone the time we invested in him and our energy to help him with a career. No futher comments are needed on behalf of Charlie's Talent Agency and things like this will never hurt our reputation.

#4 Author of original report
Last Rebuttal Breaks Rules of the Website
AUTHOR: thatpj - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 03, 2010
if you represent the company or person who is the subject of the report, your rebuttal CAN include the following:
- Your side of the
story; - Positive
references showing that you have a good reputation; - An explanation
that you believe the report is not accurate in some way (PLEASE BE
SPECIFIC If you think the report is a hoax, please say so and demand
that the author provide some proof that the transaction/event really
happened); - Contact
information for people to reach you if they want more information; - Any other useful
information which you believe an interested reader needs to know about you
or your business.
Please note that rebuttals should NOT contain any of the following:
- Profanity,
obscenity, threats of violence, racist remarks, false statements, personal
information (i.e., social security numbers, credit card numbers, home
address(es) or phone numbers), or any other information which violates
Ripoff Report's Terms of Service; - Rumors,
speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your
statements are true; - Trivial (i.e., Nice report!) which do not add
anything useful to the discussion.comments

#3 REBUTTAL Owner of company
And Again PJ's IMDB of Extra Work
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 03, 2010
Again.... (((Redacted))) Claiming to be a "Recurring" character and he was an "Extra". Production called me and asked about using him as a "Nerd" for an extra and told them he would be great, PJ emailed me shortly after and said he was contacted for the part so he was replied to in a nice manner to have fun, what is wrong with this person? We never have threatened anyone in any manner and as you can see, he is the ONLY one on the whole internet complaining mainly because he said he is a "full time actor" which just doesn't happen here in Michigan yet and taking his frustrations out on this agency because we were the only ones that would give him a chance and sign him, take free headshots for him, and spend out time. Readers please understand, our service to our actors costs $0 (nothing, not a penny!), we are paid our agency fee when the actor get's their check and they pay the fee. (((Redacted))) 3 Extra parts in the films, non-speaking roles that he gave himself credit for and WE get the calls from production complaining we applied the credit to our clients. | ||||

#2 Author of original report
AUTHOR: thatpj - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 03, 2010
This is the Twitter where Charlie's harassed me from:

#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company
PJ Edwards - Former Client
AUTHOR: Curt Howe - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 03, 2010
Hello to any readers!
First and foremost our company treats our clients and whoever we do business
with in a respectful and professional manner. This person was not harrassed in any way as we were only trying to educate him that he cannot put (uncredited/extra) work on his IMDB and also crediting himself as a "Supporting" character role in the TV Series "The Wannabes" on his resume when he was an "extra". This is only an embarrassment to him and our agency for any future opportunities and to the casting directors we submit a clients info to. Unfortuantely this client did not want to listen to our professional opinion but only take upon himself to do what he thought was right and would not stop screaming on the phone.
Yes, luckily we saved him a few hundred dollars and took his headshots for
free which we do for all of our clients and the photos we take is our property
for use in marketing the client. It was our right to email the client to
remove them from his websites and marketing materials when released from this agency or contract expiration.
The Twitter information is false as well, we never sent him harrassing
messages through Twitter but did print off all the slandering messages he
Tweeted for legal purposes.
There was never an insult to this individual and he is just being discrental
because he want's to do things the way that he thinks they should be done
which is the "only" client we have ever had that thought should be treated
better than the rest of our clients that are treated equally and with
respect. He has also had auditions in the 5 month period he was complaining about as well.
Thank you!
Curt Howe -
Charlie's Talent Agency
22720 Woodward Avenue, Suite 109
Ferndale, MI 48220
Ph. (586) 362-3561
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That guy is bad mouthing an awesome agency in Detroit though, how can we take advice from someone that is bad mouthing a wonderful Detroit agency here and has earned a lot of disresepect from the social network??? He posted articles all over the net about Charlie's Talent Agency on rip off websites and other blogs like an outraged MADMAN, is this really professional for an actor to do and then write about social networking???