Complaint Review: CAPSOUTH LLC OR "STEVE LALONDE" - Internet
- CAPSOUTH LLC OR "STEVE LALONDE" 3101 N.FEDERAL HWY, 7THFLOOR Internet United States of America
- Phone: 9547094489
- Category: Credit & Debt Services
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Steve Lalonde - is in JAIL... It's finally over...
*Consumer Comment: From pompous victimizers to victims in the approaching view of the gallows
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: What about the Crossland Clients?
*Consumer Comment: When trying to make any point try to have one Lalonde!
*Consumer Comment: Ron Schmid Con Artist
*Consumer Comment: Ron Schmid piece of s**+$% conman
*Consumer Comment: "Stephen Lalonde" ripping off a 89 year old Nam-Vet not once but twice
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Steve it's NOT ABOUT RON it's about YOU, Steve Lalonde and Amy Lalonde - BUSTED
*Consumer Comment: Ron Schmid Ronald Schmid is the true scammer
*Consumer Comment: Game over Steve Lalonde Amy Lalonde and all Your Bogus Companies
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CAPSOUTH is a chain of companies, whereas poor souls and investors got ripped off by master thief "Steve Lalonde" as he stole their escrow cash in the millions. He pockets all the money, pays no one and got caught by the FBI on another theft of lenders for anothe million and is Federally Indicted. He will be sentenced in December 2009. He is the owner and manger of the servicing of CAPSOUTH' s chain of companies, which is all a scam (even if it worked he will pocket all the cash) but fooled the banks and others that he has control over the cash in all these funds. The servicer to work this CAPSOUTH deals was CLOSED FIRST INC. that he owned as well and, after stealing all the cash there, leads any anything else, he filed for bancruptcy this year but only for CLOSED FIRST INC. He is another "Martin Frankel" in his mind.
He is currently hiding at
7th Floor 3101 N FEDERAL HWY, FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33306
He laughs at any Government agency because he thinks he can walk on water. However, he will go down soon--no matter what he does.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 10/18/2009 07:08 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:

#10 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Steve Lalonde - is in JAIL... It's finally over...
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 02, 2010
All the bogus posts berating everyone else and boasting himself will be over for at LEAST 5 years. Why because Steve Lalonde can NO LONGER victimize ANOTHER person for at least 5 years. The FTC has now frozen everything and those charges are coming down while they continue the investigation. I think we're all hoping the 5 years will turn into 10-15 years because he caused a LIFETIME of damage to hundreds and hundreds of people. He's not even the least remorseful if you can read all the "favorable" posts which were written by him. Blaming everyone except himself and acting like we are all liars and we were the innocent victims of a very evil and ruthless man.,0,7112163.story
So long Steve. I hope to enjoy 2010 and hope you will too in your cell with your toilet and bunk bed and bubba!
Good riddance you scumbag.

#9 Consumer Comment
From pompous victimizers to victims in the approaching view of the gallows
AUTHOR: white collar divison - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 29, 2009
How dare--
anyone come here posting favorable crap about these lowlifes Stephen Lalonde, Amy Lalonde his wife and other co-conspirators such as Mike Petroski, Michael Ammundson, etc. The initial 5 year Federal Imprisonment of Lalonde does not change the fact for all these other co-conspiratorsthey must be held accountable as well and to the full extent of criminal and civil laws and forced to pay restitution, even if it takes the rest of their soon to be miserable lives!
All these immoral people aided and repeatedly assisted with the commission of crimes. Until the hammer came down on the master mind Stephen Lalonde this December 18, 2009, were he was handcuffed and carted away for a long prison sentence, none of these criminals showed any remorse or compassion for all the hundreds of victims. They all thought they will beat the system again! Wrongthey will all be exposed as Lalonde was only convicted of a smaller crimethere is much more to come! We will see this time who runs for the hills alwright.
Amy Lalonde now, amazingly knows nothing about her husbands live. As long new lease cars were provided to her, big houses purchased, cash was freely made available, she was 100% behind her criminal husband. After all, she did all the accounting for the loot and ill gotten gains in their commingled schemes and scams. She had her name plastered all over corporations that were part of the scams, now she plays the victimized wife and mother. If she be a good mother, she would have prevented her family and children to get into this jam!
These criminals had no problem to send other families and their children into the street with their scams (Stolen Hope). They are the ones that started to publish lies on Rip-Off Report about lowly employees, making fun of their financial challenges in life trying to making it! Lies about everyone and trying to pull some wool over everyones eyes. There are more than twenty very powerful people out there that will make sure that justice is done and these liars and thieves will not get away!
Remember as well and be assured 100% that there is no real anonymity on the webespecially when it comes to crimes. So all e-mails fake names, etc. will only remain so when the Government does not need it or care. However, (oh boy) when they want to know the doors are wide open. So to all the fools keep on playing you will see sooner or later, how that works. Lalonde is currently cleaning the prison toilets with his tongue to attract sympathy!

#8 UPDATE EX-employee responds
What about the Crossland Clients?
AUTHOR: UUUUU - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 20, 2009
I would like to know what happened to all of the innocent credit repair customers Steve ripped off? Just up and said F-it! Stop doing work on them. Just pull their payments from their account and then were going to close the company. I still receive e-mails from them til this day and am now receiving calls from the FTC. I wish I never worked for this company and feel so bad for all of the innocent people that were in the credit repair process and just got taken for $695 or more. Everyone is ragging on Amy. I think Amy was taken through all of this like everyone else. Her husbands greed for money and lack of being a good businessman ruined his life as well as hers. I knew Amy from work and she seemed to me a nice woman from the times i would speak to her and she seems to be a good mother. I feel she just got scammed like everyone else. I believe her husband deserves the time.. not her! His day will come when he has to go to the big Federal Courthouse downtown, get sentenced and shipped away. Hopefully it will change him and make him think of what hes done to thousands of innocent people.

#7 Consumer Comment
When trying to make any point try to have one Lalonde!
AUTHOR: white collar divison - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, December 05, 2009
We are clueless of what this Steve Lalonde is babbling about. One thing is clear by the end of this year the hammer will have come down on him. Maybe he is going for insanity defenses against the crimes he committed and all the cash he stole?
Wow-gone off the deep end!

#6 Consumer Comment
Ron Schmid Con Artist
AUTHOR: Unknown - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 30, 2009
Isnt that the same frank k that you said ron schmid in earlier posts was a fraud and was on the take with me t and a you forget that one which one is it you con artist
isnt this the same online school and dana williams that stole the platform and fraudulently removed her partners names from the corporate documents that school the one that was lent over 240k wait till the trustee gets ahold of that as well claw back you di^&

#5 Consumer Comment
Ron Schmid piece of s**+$% conman
AUTHOR: Unknown - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 30, 2009
Hey Schmit why dont you get your facts straight ahole
It was you who said you had the money when in fact it was from t and a you ahole you are the one who said you had the money from Nam Vet Frank K remember you a$$ that the two million was yours or sams or whoever i cant remember because you could never tell the truth
wasnt it you who said not to talk to a or t or anyone else why was that so you could get your stories together you a*s fyi richard prudian fessed up to t and a that you had no money you fu&& head I guess when the feds grab the e mails they will follow it all peters craigs yours t and a it will happen
oh ya vanacom 25k how did that public deal go you stole their money to
stole 200k from a digital school you are such a lieing sack of sh&& isnt it you who told me dana williams and bill vela screwed you out of 150k wait till the trustee of cfs gets ahold of you and dana on clawback of dough for legitimate investors
wasnt it you who said the sight of dana williams makes you sick you double talking piece of scum
millions again your calculator is stuck you idiot nothing was stole you idiot
credit repair why dont you get your facts straight you illegal immigrant put on that blue captain stubing coat and head on out as%%
when did you become an attorney and cash a check for attorneys fees
oh ya 250 k was that yours or toms or rrta or whoevers ya right it wasnt yours fyi tom was paid his interest on his money you a*s dont worry bk trustee will claw back from you the facts a&&
i guess the 40 plus employees that worked there worked for free huh di%%
I guess in your mind 150k equals 20 mill because thats how you think di&&
You are a piece of s**+(( scum along with
peter c running two companies out of the office while getting paid 1kplus per week to "manage" sales ya not a bad job to get work a few hours a week and run your own business out of someone elses office while you get paid not a bad gig I guess unemployment pays better
craig c getting paid over 1k per week to smoke dope first thing in the morning then run his own little business selling spidey man costumes and trading used cars etc while getting a salary oh ya he was a manager and your informant great one
I could go on but you will see soon enough you avenger d*k

#4 Consumer Comment
"Stephen Lalonde" ripping off a 89 year old Nam-Vet not once but twice
AUTHOR: white collar divison - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, November 29, 2009
Hey Lalonde!
Let us ask you a question--who did you not rip off (short list)?
-You charged for credit repair in advance--no work done
-Took downpayments on loan modification and stole them (and the house from the bank)
-Stole leads from your own sub-contractors (really employees--tax fraud scam)
-You bounced hundreds of checks
-You stole $200,000 from the digital school and bounced the tax checks
-Stole the first $250,000 in a loan, given to you in 2007 for the business but you pocketed it, Then, you stole millions thereafter, from lenders, investors, CAPSOUTH funds, the public. (What elusive investors would give a broke debt beat 20 millions you idiot that cannot even spell 1101 English words.
-Stole from CAPSOUTH Trust accounts millions (unauthorized account access)
You have the balls to write here, after 2007 you defrauded a 89 year old disabled "Nam" Veteran, "Frank K. from Parkland , Florida" for his life savings (almost one [1] million not once but twice). What does that make you???
You have no regard for employees, the elderly, your family, the law, America and some one else's cash. You need to be deported--you are a true p....g !!!
So long!!

#3 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Steve it's NOT ABOUT RON it's about YOU, Steve Lalonde and Amy Lalonde - BUSTED
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, November 27, 2009
What does this have to do with Ron, are you still trying to save your "skin". Well let me be frank, keep posting your bogus nonsense about Ron, it's NOT ABOUT RON, he's NOT GOING to JAIL, he's NOT being investigated by the Florida State Attorney for Mortgage Fraud. He's NOT being sued and assets being frozen by the FTC. ONLY YOU AND AMY LALONDE and MIKE. That's IT. Stop trying to deflect your lies and scams and theft onto someone else. IT"S OVER BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are busted. Did you read the asset freeze, you can't even go out and get a coffee because all your assets and accounts and banks and everything from here to Canada are FROZEN, you crook.
You are the thief, get used to it, taking innocent victims money for their houses and stealing it and putting it in your bank account.
How can you LIVE with yourself you *($&(#*& scumbag. You are so sick. You can't think that you can get away with this much longer. Get used to it, this is your LAST FREE WEEKEND before December 1 - enjoy, cause GAME OVER LOSER.
This article and rip off report is NOT about Ron it's about YOU, Steve Lalonde the thief and his accomplice wife, Amy Lalonde.
NOBODY trust this guy ever with your money, or any of his companies, go back and check out all of his companies, if you don't already know.
Closed First
Spectrum Title
Amy Lalonde
Steve Lalonde
Better yet - Copy/Paste this link and get all the information you need on Steve Lalonde and his crimes and ALL who are investigating him - all his crimes/deceit, etc - please Do not be fooled anylonger by this con artist, EVER. Your life depends upon it.
This link speaks for itself, it's Not about Ron Schmidt it's about Steve Lalonde and Amy Lalonde.
Now, let's put in Ronald Schmid's name and SEE what comes up - NOTHING - so if he's the problem - then why can't we verify what you are saying in this Rip off report???? The funny thing is the only thing that comes up negative are your lies, that's you've already submitted to Rip-Off Report, so that speaks volumes as to the validity of your claims. As you can see from the authorities you are a "WANTED MAN" - so sorry.
Ok, so here's the search for Ron -

#2 Consumer Comment
Ron Schmid Ronald Schmid is the true scammer
AUTHOR: Unknown - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, November 27, 2009
Public Beware of this fraud conartist. Here's the way he steals your money.
First he tells you that he has brought numerous companies public
Then he creates a fake company to legitimize his scam
He will create a name similar to the industry that he is saying he is going to try to scam you out of
Then he lies cheats steals and makes up every imaginable story possible to steal up front money from you saying it's for "a business plan, legal fees" pure bull
Then he will introduce to you a cast of characters who have no money but A LOT OF LIES.
He may bring in sam, richard, alan and then says they are all under his control and he tells them what to do
Next step
Will tell you not to talk to anyone because he has to scam you first and then scam the only one who has money there Sam to get his money. Oh yea hell tell you sam has 40 million or so ready to go at Rons discretion. All A LIE AND A CON
After that is done he will tell you he works with the biggest attorneys in town
But when he sends you to his attorney it will probably be a ups store, starbucks etc
Then when he can't steal your company he will make up stories con other people who will believe his crap get suckers to believe his story
His day is coming he's just too stupid
DONT GIVE HIM A NICKLE IF YOU SEE HIS SLIMY FACE RUN FOR THE HILLS THAT WILL BE THE BEST DECISION YOU HAVE EVER MADEmmer ron schmid likes to misinform all but he is the true scammer who plays by this mo

#1 Consumer Comment
Game over Steve Lalonde Amy Lalonde and all Your Bogus Companies
AUTHOR: Anonymous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, November 26, 2009
Game over Steve and Amy Lalonde and all associated companies.
He's not laughing at the government now - The government is freezing everything and an injunction is being filed. Hearing is December 1, 2010.

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