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Report: #568632

Complaint Review: Vega & Alvarez, S.A. - PanamaCity Select State/Province

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  • Reported By: Marisol — New York Nationwide United States of America
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  • Vega & Alvarez, S.A. Plaza Amercias PanamaCity, Select State/Province Panama
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Vega & Alvarez, S.A. Juan Vega Batista, Narcotics Attornies, Drug Cases, Money Laundering, and Extrotion Panama City, Panama

*REBUTTAL Owner of company: U.S. concern over judicial influence demo against U.S. business . EEUU manifista preocupacin por influencia judicial contra empresarios norteamericanos.

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Deputy Assistant Secretary of Sate for Visa Services

Please review of certain individuals that should have their non immigrant visa application and status reviewed.  

They comprise of a law firm in the Republic of Panama named:

Vega & Alvarez, S.A.
Torre de Las Amercias
Punta Pacifica
Republic of Panama

main partners are all Panamanian Nationals:

1.  Paulo Vega Batista

2.  Angel Alvarez

3.  Juan Vega Batista

Vega & Alvarez, S.A. is a criminal law firm with specialties in representing narco traffickers, money launders, government officials for corruption, and judicial extortion against US citizens.  Although we can not make any assertations for the defense with their client data base, this firm is littered with numerous judicial tampering cases that makes them an unwanted element in the United States and cause for review of them having a Visa per INA 221(I).  With some basic research int`o this firm there will be sufficient derogatory information to support an ineligibility.  Nevertheless, based upon the prudential grounds per UNCLAS STATE 245040 paragraph 17 and IN 9 FAM 41.122.  Furthermore, some basic information on these individuals will be presented below that can easily be sourced and found with a simple web search.  I must request that after review the Department of State process a revocation per the discretionary authority.

American Businessmen and Officials are often the target of these unscrupulous tactics due to the length of resolving anything in the local system.  There has never been a cruise ship stopover without bogus charges against the tourists who are forced to pay a bribe or have them exit of the country restricted by a slow and manipulated system.

Besides representing handfuls of drug and money laundering cases, This law firm recently made many headlines here as they represented a corrupt Prosecuting Attorney who was caught taking a bribe, by filling charges against the Attorney General of Panama for abuse of power.  The case became political and the Attorney General of Panama was separated from her post.

Specific Cases of Ineligible:

Per Section 8 U.S.C. 1182, INA 212

(2) Criminal and related grounds 

    (C) Controlled Substance traffickers - obtained financial or other benefit from illicit activity and knew or reasonably should have known that the financial or other benefit was the product of such illicit activity.

(3) Security and related grounds 

    (A) Any alien who a consular officer or the Attorney General knows, or has reasonable bround to believe, seeks to enter the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in (ii) any other unlawful activity (iii) any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the USA. 

    (C) Any alien whose entry or proposed activities in the United States the Secretary of State has reasonable ground to believe would have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States - they have cases against the US as a defend ate already.

Sec. 221. [8 U.S.C. 1201] 

(i) After the issuance of a visa or other documentation to any alien, the consular officer or the Secretary of State may at any time, in his discretion, revoke such visa or other documentation. Notice of such revocation shall be communicated to the Attorney General, and such revocation shall invalidate the visa or other documentation from the date of issuance: Provided, That carriers or transportation companies, and masters, commanding officers, agents, owners, charterers, or consignees, shall not be penalized under section 273(b) for action taken in reliance on such visas or other documentation, unless they received due notice of such revocation prior to the alien's embarkation. 3/ There shall be no means of judicial review (including review pursuant to section 2241 of title 28, United States Code, or any other habeas corpus provision, and sections 1361 and 1651 of such title) of a revocation under this subsection, except in the context of a removal proceeding if such revocation provides the sole ground for removal under section 237(a)(1)(B) .

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02/12/2010 12:39 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company

U.S. concern over judicial influence demo against U.S. business . EEUU manifista preocupacin por influencia judicial contra empresarios norteamericanos.

AUTHOR: Juan Vega Batista - (Panama)

POSTED: Sunday, September 05, 2010
Before leaving his post the former U.S. Ambassador in Panama, Barbara J. Stephenson, met with senior government officials expressing concern that U.S. employers are being attacked by the Judicial System of Panama. These meetings are related to the increase of highly questionable court cases against employers, as determined by a variety of causes, namely, the pursuit of criminal cases, in addition to monetary civil cases. Although the ambassador made it clear that while the territory of Panama in American business must respect the laws of this country, according to a particular case of extreme caution.

Former Ambassador highlighted the case of a businessman who had a car accident four years ago, way to the airport and faces a $ 500,000 civil suit for damages. The driver of another vehicle was injured in the accident and three months later, a coroner came exactly 30 days disability making it a matter of the Transit Authority. However, the case ended up in municipal courts, where the chief justice is in-law and put an injunction on the employer. It is known that all forensic reports where the person has fully recovered were removed from the official record and only were those of his private doctor, Francisco Sanchez Cardenas. Sources confirm that the victim advocate is the same law firm that fought and destroyed the attorney, Vega and Alvarez.

Despite a fiscally that is not a criminal matter, and at least three appeals by the same public prosecutor is still waiting for a response to cancel the charge if the judge ordered the businessman to one year in prison. The annulard provides resources for the public prosecutor are excessive power and even the accused has not been notified of the hearing.

The new ambassador, Phyllis Powers, clearly stated the increase of such complaints and said that was adversely affecting the ability of American business investment and relations during the confirmation hearing of the Free Trade Agreement to Congress. U.S. businessmen are warning of the judicial system in Panama openly and many do not want to get away.

It is clear that this concern is rooted directly in the U.S. Congress, which has the task of ratifying the FTA between the U.S. and Panama.

Antes de salir de su puesto la ex Embajadora de EEUU en Panam, Barbara J. Stephenson, se reuni con altos funcionarios del gobierno expresndole su preocupacin porque empresarios estadounidense estn siendo atacados por el Sistema Judicial de Panam.
Estas reuniones guardan relacin con el aumento de los casos judiciales altamente cuestionable contra empresarios, determinados por una variedad de causas, a saber, la persecucin de casos penales, adems de las causas civiles monetarias. Aunque la embajadora dej claro que, si bien en el territorio de Panam los empresarios norteamericanos deben respetar las leyes de este pas, seal un caso en particular de prudencia extrema.

La ex embajadora destac el caso de un hombre de negocios que tuvo un accidente de trnsito hace cuatro aos, camino al aeropuerto y enfrenta una demanda civil de $500,000 por daos.  El conductor del otro vehculo result herido en el accidente y tres meses despus, un mdico forense dio exactamente 30 das incapacidad convirtindola as en un asunto de la Autoridad del Trnsito.  Sin embargo, el caso termin en los tribunales Municipales, donde el Juez Principal es cuado y puso una medida cautelar al empresario.  Se conoce que todos los informes de medicina forense donde consta que la persona se recuper plenamente fueron retirados de las actas oficiales y solamente quedaron los de su doctor privado, Franciso Sanchez Cardenas.  Fuentes confirman que el defensor de la vctima es el mismo bufete legal que enfrent y destruy a la Procuradora, Vega y Alvarez.  

A pesar de un vista fiscal que no es un asunto penal, y por lo menos tres apelaciones por la misma ministerio publico todavia esperando una respuesta para que anular el caso el juez suplemento conden al hombre de negocios a un ao de prisin.  Las recursos de annulard aporta por el ministerio publico son por exceso en el poder e incluso el imputado no haber sido notificada para la audiencia.

El nuevo embajador, Phyllis Powers, afirm claramente el aumento de este tipo de denuncias y advirti que estaba afectando negativamente la capacidad de inversin  de las empresas americanas y las relaciones durante la audiencia de confirmacin del Tratado de Libre Comercio ante el Congreso.  Hombres de negocios de EEUU estn advirtiendo sobre el sistema judicial en Panam de manera abierta y muchos de ellos no quieren alejarse.

Es evidente que esta preocupacin tiene sus races directamente en el Congreso de EEUU, que asume la tarea de ratificar el acuerdo de libre comercio entre EEUU y Panam.
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