Complaint Review: "Dr." Louis Turi - phoenix Arizona
- "Dr." Louis Turi phoenix, Arizona United States of America
- Phone: 602-265-7667
- Web:
- Category: Astrologers & Psychics
"Dr." Louis Turi Startheme publications Inc. ASTRO-, So-Called, 'Psychologist'/ ASTROLOGER/author/webinar speaker-? Teacher??*"scam-artist" phoenix, Arizona
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Cosmic code private website
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Success means jealousy...
*Author of original report: Again ___? What??
*Consumer Comment: A Student of Dr. Turi since 2007
*General Comment: I was also ripped off by mr turi
*Author of original report: no assumption: just FACTS.not yours.. Mine---His as Well as Many Others
*Consumer Comment: Dr Turi Donot assume anything
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: From Dr. Turi - Do Not Assume, read the facts!
*General Comment: PLEASE DO
*Author of original report: answer Mrs Turi
*UPDATE Employee: These Are All Lies.
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This Man is THE WORST type of crook I have EVER encountered. Not only did I not receive Most of the long list of promised information I paid more than $300 for - but the reading, supposedly about ME (that he actually dared to put in a recorded format, promising information at the end that never came and was far-short of the established length-of-the-reading) - was one inflated 'self'-promotion after another. *It actually started with an Emphatic disclaimer that you wouldn't get your money back - time to worry, right?- if you felt the content wasn't substantial enough for your "level" of understanding -which was central to the talent he claimed to be able to reveal about you. ( it was obvious a lot of people want their money back). He claimed my level of understanding was so high that I required no real "education" - that I could throw out all the books and re-write them...excepting in his case, of course: he felt that He was the right teacher to guide me into my success & wealth, which I was urged I should then share "with Dr. Turi" because my downfall would be in Not sharing. ( I am considered a 'teacher' of the highest level in some of these areas, but the thing is - why didn't he adjust his information, accordingly, and give me something worth-while? Though he claims his style of astrology is so rare and special that an introduction is required, I never asked, nor paid for, Just an introductory session with the 'un-told' requirement to become a full-time student(and customer) if I were to get anything out of his "gift".I bought "a Full-Life Reading".
I still don't know where the 'hours'-long "reading" or the dozens of pages of written information went, but when I expressed my shock at the complete lack of content as compared to what was offered, he asserted that I had to pay more to get not only the information already bought & paid-for - but for the "V.I.P. upgrade" that I had also been promised with my purchase; thus it was somehow my fault he hadn't given me what he'd promised. UNBELIEVABLE gall! When I complained of what I thought had to be a gross misunderstanding, as I had been CLEAR on the fact that I was Not interested in 'basic' information; that I was already very self-knowledgeable and was looking for counsel on relationships with two other people;(IF This Could be done?) - as well as the fact that I was unemployed and without the means to throw out money unless for the serious help-and tailored advice I was looking for - not only was he too arrogant & certain of his-self to listen to me, but assured me he could help me with "more answers than I could ask questions" I thought he must be very good, though I quickly changed my mind after reading his stuff on line but it was too late. In lieu of a correction, of any kind, the response to my complaints came from (Dr?) Turi's wife - a 'student' of his, who had gone into my personal 'data', and, contradicting Turi, entirely, with her own re-interpretations, assessed & condemned me as likely "drinking myself to death"; "headed for mental institution"; "without any friends"; and that none of my wishes were coming true.
Now, isn't that compassionate and professional, not to mention 'intelligent', coming from people who claim to be teachers and healers? When I pointed out the complete lack of ethics & morality of taking someone's money for guidance and using personal information to try to devastate & attack another human being, at the most vulnerable level, not to mention the psychological risk - remember this guy claims to be an "astro-'PSYCHOLOGIST", you know those guys who're highly Educated & motivated to 'Help'&'Heal' -- it was completely Lost on the both of them. They had their money, after all, and weren't giving it back for anything, DESPITE MRS. TURI'S URGING ME TO "NOT BLOW THE WHISTLE" ON HER HUSBAND. (a pure admission of guilt).
Trying to convince TURI of any wrong-doing only encouraged more slanderous attacks on my mental health and some very sick & disturbed e-mails, one which came from his address, with someone elses' name signed to it, telling me to go F--K myself. Though my mental health was stable enough to withstand attacks that could easily have ruptured someone if they WERE that unstable, and would traumatize most average persons -especially after giving up a month of groceries'$, not mention entrusting a a so-called "professional", albeit, 'stranger for 'help'. I would give this man the award for the lowest-level morality, and ethically-devoid and professionally-confused person I have ever been involved with, and there are a lot out there.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02/27/2013 04:32 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#11 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Cosmic code private website
AUTHOR: Dr. Turi - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, March 13, 2017
This website is read by thousands of our paying customers world wide and maintained by Ning. Ning is a very reliable trusting corporation serving us for years. Some of my enemies will make up lies such has website was down or could never join after paying etc. Do not fall for it, the system is totally automized this mean as soon as you place your order you receive a link and we get direct notification to comp you in.
Some people do not know how to handle technology and we always take time to guide them via phone or email. Note people also mention when in disagreement we use explicit names in our correspondances with them, this is indeed another lie because customer care and customer service is our forte. Many of those people are very religious and are doing the "hunt witches" against us. I sincerely hope you can see through the evil of those dispeakable lies who are making a religious mission to ruin many of us out there.
Dr. Turi

#10 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Success means jealousy...
AUTHOR: Dr. Turi - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 04, 2015
What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi? Read what my clients, students, patients and clients said about me!
Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show (I had to give solid proofs of my predictions before being promoted by Mr. Shatner on national television. Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions
George Noory is not only a good friend of mine but endorse my work on national radio and his public appearences. Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi – Read the Feedback of those who knows me well and not jealous people lies The purpose is in the stars!
Those young envious souls could never reach the level of success of some of my famous friends and even attack his character. My good friend Gary Busey giving me top of the world endorsement…
Some people have assumed and said I was a liar and never attended the Royal School of Music. Even with the facts they still attack my work, my gift and my talent
Even the FBI visited me because of my unarguable predictions - Pete Santilli Dr. Louis Turi – Terror Prediction Prompted FBI Visit - Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack in Paris Prediction January 7th, 2015 (English) - La prediction de l’attaque terrorist de Charlie Hebdo a Paris le 7 Janvier 2015. (Francais)
Who are my Internet enemies making up lies to hurt my work and my integrity? Those who need me and my work the most! God's Evil Children | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S. Google, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi
If you doubt my talent simply call me at 602-265-7667 before ordering a reading from me, do the listening and let me do a free "mini reading" to prove to you I am a very gifted modern Prophet.
Dr. Turi

#9 Consumer Comment
A Student of Dr. Turi since 2007
AUTHOR: Cheryl - ()
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 15, 2014
Since being a student of Dr. Turi for these many years, I have found him to be reliable, always available by telephone or email for such a busy person.
I have had computer gliches with receiving a download or mail, but after talking with someone in Dr. Turi's office, even him at times, it was corrected or refunded.
I would suggest that people try to see how a business like Dr. Turi's can be overwhelming with requests, give them the benefit of the doubt and try to reconcile the problem. I too, get upset over what may appear as a slight, but just due to human error, things cannot always be done that minute.
I cannot speak for the person issuing the report, only my experience.

#8 General Comment
I was also ripped off by mr turi
AUTHOR: rev - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 14, 2014
I also was urged to become a VIP member and paid the membership fee. I was not able to access any information other than links available to the public. I asked for a refund and was refused.
I was told that they were having problems with the website and that I would be given access as soon as it was fixed. That never happened and I was never refunded

#7 Author of original report
Again ___? What??
AUTHOR: anonymous* - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 14, 2014
yet again ___WHAT, Exactly does Your Response Have.. to Do with anything going before it , on this thread --
you (pardon me, but, Obvious Idiot! --or half-wit (not to be rude, but get a 'wit'!! ) --and read below, if you Can!

#6 Author of original report
no assumption: just FACTS.not yours.. Mine---His as Well as Many Others
AUTHOR: anonymous* - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 14, 2014
I just love this type of 'polarization' inconsistent with True Thought or actual Experience, and laced in Ignorance.
I never had to "assume" a thing. I was cheated.. then Publicly Shamed & Blatantly Threatened for asking for good faith and proffessionalism in return for my money and my trust.. which is reasonable.
This man breached his contract, then the obvious rules of confidentiality; comitted copyright infringement in re-publishing (and altering) these pages (which is all in evidence -if you care to see or seek the "facts"- you say are there); Fraud in attaching the complaints of others - to My name-!; solicited his followers to attack me (perhaps You should refer to the "webste" yourself) --or to the many who wrote to say how sorry they were or how frightened they were - or 'grateful' because they were afraid to complain of similar Rip-Offs, to my experience, given his absurd behaviour, ruthless & retaliatory tactics.
..because cheating; fraud; slander; defamation; theft and libel are actually crimes and devoid of ethics -(so I'm not sure what it is you are defending)
..but, hey, if you're on par with his caliber and hold your shared "Vision" above these ethical detriments and don't see it all as a detraction but part of the attraction .. you've found yourself good company// here's to "like-mind'and to each his own. Turi's attacks come from another level of philosophy -a Much-much lower one.
[Since you're an obvious fan, I'm sure you've read his boasting about how he can destroy people who've challenged Him.]
?..but the question is why would a "DR" .. or any evolved soul --want to?? un-well or other-wise..hmm?
*[Thank-you for the opportunity to bring light to more of those shadows]
I happen to value my values and not give loyalty & trust where it's abused.. I'm sorry you don't understand that. It's nice to align with good character(s) and the self-respect to Not be Victimized. This world'd by Hell, otherwise.
People should read right through the facts, as presented, that pertain to the matter or the issue At Hand, prior to proffessing to have some superior set of "facts".
This is no less than saying -at this point in time - that Bill Cosby has entertained millions with his genius.. [So What?! -if the topic of conversation is in a completely different aspect of his humanity...duh]
I invite you to read through the actual thread of complaints and valid Relevant discourse -opinion, and responses, (including Turi's own lurid ones) -based on first-hand and empirical experience. before speaking from the posterior.
**Since you are speaking not as the actual proprietor or complainant *(Which is what this forum Is For .. not an opinion's blog):
I am guessing you have also paid for a similar service - as I have - and had a different experience.
If so, that is good -but still unrelated to my complaint.
(by the way.. your 'timing' reveals you)

#5 Consumer Comment
Dr Turi Donot assume anything
AUTHOR: - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 14, 2014
Note that Dr. Turi is a well know lecturer, healer and astropsychologist. His work is documented and published. Note the website. Never assume, the facts are there. His visions have come to pass. Thank you.

#4 REBUTTAL Owner of company
From Dr. Turi - Do Not Assume, read the facts!
AUTHOR: Dr. Turi - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 14, 2014
My Internet jealous enemies are EVERYWHERE Read the facts instead! What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi? What do those young souls give the world everyday? Enjoy my latest FREE newsletter! Important Note: When asked do to any TV show, the producers and host "Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show" always ask me for proofs of predictions wich I always provide! Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions - This world is loaded with envious "Young Souls" dedicated to trash those who are gifted and do better then they do in life! But real good karma constantly work to the deservings...
Dr. Turi

#3 General Comment
SUBMITTED: Monday, March 18, 2013
Your move again Mrs T. Can you address the actual documents if this individual provides you with them? We are waiting.

#2 Author of original report
answer Mrs Turi
AUTHOR: anonymous* - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, March 17, 2013
How many child-molesting priests do you know, Mrs. Turi -who can't even sign your own name(for shame, I presume)-who have been called wonderful and Holy men by countless people? All Lies?! I BEG TO DIFFER, & IN A COURT OF LAW IF REQUIRED AND WITH RECORDED TAPES & EVIDENCE IN THE FORM OF CREDIT CARD RECEIPTS & E-MAILS OF YOUR OWN WORDS. YOU'D BEST CONSIDER WHERE YOU THROW THE "LIAR" Accusation out there.. and "Jealousy"!? - Please Grow Up! I will now unequivicoly call You an indisputable LIAR and will Happily Publish The Evidence!

#1 UPDATE Employee
These Are All Lies.
AUTHOR: *Mrs. T* - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, March 16, 2013
How many "ripoff" artists you know got so many endorsers? (
Jealous people will get to great lengths and lie to hurt those they are jealous of! This is the price to pay when you own a name and talent!
Please Google (RIP OFF REPORT DR. TURI) and read all about some of our "INTERNET ENEMIES."
Thank You For Supporting Our Valuable Information and Reading the Full Story.
*Mrs. T*

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